I love normal corn muffins as a matter of course. I’ll just make a big batch of salty honey butter separately because that stuff is pretty good on any sweet/neutral bread. Especially parker house rolls, buttermilk biscuits, and corn bread.
I love normal corn muffins as a matter of course. I’ll just make a big batch of salty honey butter separately because that stuff is pretty good on any sweet/neutral bread. Especially parker house rolls, buttermilk biscuits, and corn bread.
I have absolute sympathy for parents who find themselves in over their heads with their special needs children. I see no shame in admitting that you can’t handle it, especially if the parents themselves may have their own issues to deal with.
I’d rather have celebrities be discrete with their luxury than to have them go on TV and say how they’re ‘holding up OK although it’s a struggle” in their multimillion dollar houses with full service staff, nannies, and personal shoppers.
It doesn’t make a noticeable difference and isn’t worth the effort. Adding the right amount of salt is more important than the fat.
If you don’t have a tortilla press you can just cut a gallon ziplock bag down one side and place the ball of dough in there. Press it out on a cutting board or counter with an 8 inch frying pan or something along those lines (rotate one quarter turn in between presses and then flip the bag and do the same on the other…
Of course this tastes good. It’s white castle without the pesky need to chew. Any idea how I would scale this recipe up for a post-pandemic party?
Keep in mind that this isn’t chili crisp. It’s chili oil. Not the same thing. No crunchies and (in some versions) more heat than flavor. Serious Eats has a decent homemade chili crisp recipe if you’re interested. Very similar but with the addition of fried shallots.
How many submissions did you get that simply said “Trump wins 2020"?
Trout or not, smoked fish dips are pretty awesome. Trade Joe’s sells (or used to sell) a really nice smoked whitefish that was awesome for turning into dip/spread. And there’s a funky fish place on Route 1 in the Keys that serves a nice version made with local catch. That’s the first time I ever had smoked fish dip…
Bad was probably a poor choice of words. Forbidden is probably closer to what I was going for.
Pre-packaged or overly prepared is kind of Trader Joe’s thing. I could never really make sense of TJ’s until I started thinking of them as a very high end convenience store rather than as a grocery.
Fun fact - I do give my toddler Cheetos. He absolutely loves them (and definitely gets that from me). Better to get kids used to normal serving sizes and a variety of different foods than to make them believe that there are ‘bad’ and ‘good’ foods.
I’d like to extend this laurel and hearty handshake...
The movie JFK keeps running through mine.
Drive an inaccurate car and you’ll know what they’re getting at. My current car is a pig. The steering usually requires all kinds of mid-course adjustments in order to hold a line. It’s like trying to steer with rubber bands attached to the steering wheel instead of using the wheel itself.
LOL at white people stores that sell pork shoulder or belly roasts with the skin removed. Pork roasts without crispy skin is just meat. Might as well be boneless skinless chicken breast at that point.
I know it’s a cliche knock but I do think with some years of experience, patience, and wisdom that she absolutely has it in her to be really effective (assuming the dark side doesn’t corrupt her in the meantime).
I feel like that endorsement is a moot point because the Venn diagram of AOC and Bernie supporters is pretty much a perfect circle?
I really have to know if the pizza is objectively good or if its still being graded on a curve. “Soft and airy” doesn’t sound like a proper pizza crust description. It sounds more akin to cheap ‘greek-owned’ college pizza (sweeter sauce, thicker soft, puffy, and somewhat chewy crust, etc.) than to any of the other…
Minor (but important) distinction. Wawa started with the subs. Gas was added later.