
I love jambalaya because as a person of Asian descent I inherently love anything mixed with rice. That said, my feelings on gumbo tend to be a bit mixed. Sometimes I love it other times I’m lukewarm.

I like the french style better, but it’s all the rage now to explicitly recognize both types of omelettes as valid standalone food products. One is not a pale imitation of the other.

I love the addition of sausage to the ground meat. That’s next level chili-ing there.

The guy who wanted extra kale should have gotten extra kale. Let the punishment fit the crime.

It’s not so much the chicken out quickly that’s the problem. It’s the fact that the entrees weren’t coordinated and that the kitchen called for pickup on an incomplete table. The person working the pass clearly screwed the pooch regardless of how long it took to cook the chicken.

Article does nothing to explain the popularity of jazz. Or showtunes.

I’ll admit to being very thick this morning but this is going absolutely over my head...

No proof no care. If not actionable, this is all just a waste of time.

I didn’t read the article but I assume you’re writing about the bank accounts of people who actually own McLarens?

I go with the “Frankies” recipes for meatballs and sauce as my standards nowadays. You can find both on Serious Eats though they’re taken from the Frankies Spuntino cookbook. The sauce is a dead easy base that can be kept vegetarian or be used to braise meats, and the meatballs contain raisins and pine nuts and always

The fact that she managed to work in a mention of her vegan-ness during a loan request from a bank is probably evidence of why she needs to be punched in the face.

Not if you’re Disney and that cliffhanger ending gives you a bit of a head start on subscriptions for your brand new streaming service.


Is it ageist to say that I would not even consider Bernie unless he chose a hell of a running mate? If elected he would be the oldest president by 6 or 7 years. There’s easily a better than 50% chance that a vote for Bernie will actually be a vote for his veep.

No doubt. If there is a poster child for not aging gracefully, she is it.

I never even noticed her breasts. My eyes keep getting stopped at her weird ass inflated lips.

Short answer - assume everything you send or store in a internet enabled networked environment will eventually be made public. Trust no one who is not a member of your immediate family.

I get the appeal of pineapple on pizza but if I’m going sweet or tart on my pie, I prefer something a bit sharper. Peppadews almost always work, as do pickled onions. Try making a sausage, peppers, and onions pie but replace either the onions or the peppers with a sweet pickled version. You won’t go back.

Totally agree with the giant bags of chips unless you’re having a large party or something. It’s simply way too much for any normal sized family to finish in reasonable amount of time. And they’re impossible to store.

This isn’t universal. My Costco doesn’t stock whole packers, only flats and we don’t get prime grade. That said, the overall quality and quantity of their meat selection really is excellent.