
*self high five*


depends on the size of the school.  greek life was so big at my school that wouldnt be enough.  Sorority rush involves multiple cuts from each sorority

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus oh no don't get me wrong it can be ridiculous, especially with so many girls all rushing and some sororities being extremely stuck up (which ones depend on the school).  I'm just saying the recruiting process has nothing to do with drinking (in fact its excessively dry

(1) gangsters (as in criminals) not gangstas!
(2)&(3) not suggesting that but saying thats what they did in his grandfathers time.  That said even if he was suggesting it now that most certainly doesn't mean black people.

@avclub-525f76574b3a2a5bcb4da793c92a16fb:disqus ha hell no! 

Other than  the few instances you hear in the news (which are outliers anyways) that is false. 

i feel like the people with those kind of decorations are people from texas who no longer live there.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus sorry i kinda flew off the handle there….im still pissed he got defensive player of the year over Clowney

" plainly about lynching black people"

hooray tiresome sorority stereotypes…

i say cray-cray but its always in reference to gravity falls

"one of the most decorated college players of all time,"

This is gonna be a bit of a mainstream answer but I fully stand up for the Zac Brown Band.  They don't really sound too much like the rest of the mainstream genre right now and their last album especially diverged a decent bit

its pretty fantastic

*narrows eyes*

other than Zack Brown, yes

the man also knows how to have fun with his music. hell he thinks "red solo cup" is an extremely stupid song he just made for fun with no intention of putting it on the last album. He had to  be convinced to do it

not gonna lie I loved the hell out of Linkin Park in high school (of course) and I really like that one (though the Faint/Jigga What was my favorite just caus eI love Faint so much).

apparently this version will be more focused on her time on paradise island