
im not tenative aboit it at all. i just mention that its pretty campy

cmon hawkguy!

i stopped around then. mainly cause that was as far as tnt had episodes for and also because i didnt have a dvr and i was usually preoccupied on friday nights

haha holy shit i remember that. hell they actually scarred me as a child but looking back…wow

judging by the clip of it i've already seen there will be no disappointment and ill be great

the stuff with the indians isnt really memorable though.  all i remember from it is wendy getting a bit jealous at the indian girl.

I have a feeling a good amount of that book would be ripe for the hawkeye initiative

its the only time we see it on display but don't forget there's the episode where dick describes why he quit being robin

you've put more thought into it than anyone involved with its creation


he was pretty good, performed with an old school big band

i'm calling this as discrimination against my young, hairy brethren !

I refuse to believe there is a dude on a show like TVD that has chest hair.  Its like some weird mandate that every guy on those shows need to be completely smooth. 

nope.  Also that was a very effective commercial cause i immediately got up and poured a glass.  Granted it was Woodford and not makers but still…


@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus @avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus don't know, I don't care, i'm in

oh man sorry hat


This last album at least as no country on it so no. Shame too cause her country stuff can be pretty great

Oh god I want this badly