
They pretty much flirted from the moment she was introduced

Well except mal/Karen was in the comics. As for aqua lad and rocket they were also the only 2 unpaired characters on New Years so they shared a kiss at midnight, Lu's rocket stated she was attracted to lad earlier in the episode

Oh what?! TMNT wasn't bad! It was actually surprisingly fun!

It's possible if they could've had a third season they may have done the whole new gods thing

I just realized I forgot to watch the last episode…shit!

Is it "AV Club Babies"? Cause mine is and its fantastic

The wanting a child out of nowhere thing was kind of the point I think.  She's having an identity crisis and she sees that as a possible way to get a hold of it.Its pretty in line with what Ann is going through right now. The speed of it all was also Leslie's point the whole time to get her to slow down and think

ok we get it, community was…divisive tonight to say the least.  There's a whole other comment section for that though. cmon jesus!

The Pro-Am can be a lot of fun to watch depending on which celebrities they have. AV Club favorite Bill Murray plays in it every year and he always a blast to watch play.

I honestly really liked all the character designs In that segment

Well I guess that explains why he was so curmudgeony as a child 

Well I guess that explains why he was so curmudgeony as a child 

yea first on'es alright. never actually saw the second but its got amy adams and hank azaria in it!

exactly what I was thinking and it would be awesome

haha he call yall losers!

If Tumblr has taught me anything it's OH GOD MY EYES!

I don't get what the last line is referencing…

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus *GASP* i want that job!

@avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus *curls into fetal position, starts weeping*

oh shush he doesn't yell at anyone