
well i dunno about the ladies but in my expert opinion he can definitely rock a bow tie

I think even if its not as great as it was it'll at least be fun. We can't really ask for more

What if he plays Jet Jaguar?   Would that be ok?

blatant baiting … i'll take it!  Happy Birthday!

I enjoy Mike Grell's 3 part story "The Longbow Hunters" from the 80s

and now i cant unsee that…

and he prepared for it by making sure he had 1 more guy than Ollie had arrows for….

I think at the very least it will be still fun.  Same show? probably not but we'll get over it and enjoy it for what it is..

Sava described it as Hawkeye-lite on twitter.  Hopefully it finds its own voice though


I mean the one time i flew first class i got a roast beef sandwich…it was ok i guess, better than just pretzels

Thanks Olaf!

his thumbs up is pretty fantastic

"Cool story Hansel."
"Thanks Olaf!"

I mean I like it for the most part but there were just portions that seemed a bit off to me… I dunno maybe it's just new to me

…holy shit I just noticed your avatar…..I'm dumb

I found that part a tad ridiculous. Really? He always carries exactly 24 arrows and additional daggers and such?

I enjoyed the hell out of this. It'll be interesting to see if there are actually 2 deathstrokes or if Oliver is just getting played again….