“packed with every kind of pop, bang and rumble that the LFA kicks out while being driven in anger”
“packed with every kind of pop, bang and rumble that the LFA kicks out while being driven in anger”
Why are you pretending this article is outside of the system and not part of the problem?
Hi. Gen X here. This entire article is why Boomers say Millennials are dipshits.
with a button response on the level of a 20 year old touch screen.
That just shows a complete lack of care on behalf of the owner that you wonder about what else is lurking underneath. Also, if that is such an easy fix, why haven’t they done it? I can understand not doing the service, although that should be reflected in the price, but a simple clearing a code? The only reason not to…
It is obvious what will prevail here on Jalopnik... Infotainment systems... Far too complex for simple controls... Want to change interior temp? This requires 37 clicks in 12 different menus... Want to change the radio station? 18 clicks through 7 menus... Want to turn off the seat heaters? GFL...
We have space, long distances between towns, big roads, weather extremes, and big parking spaces in the vast majority of the U.S. that just don’t compute from an E.U. perspective
This is fucking unhinged, man. Calm down.
Holy shit why is NO ONE KEEPING PEOPLE AWAY FROM THE CABLES UNDER TENSION. For fuck’s sake a strap snapped already and everyone’s just standing feet from the cables. Jesus.
Just tested this on my 25 year old Toyota. Does the same thing, but the button doesn’t clack in the same way. I guess that’s something.
Are we missing something? I think every car I’ve owned since....2002? has had this feature, even the ‘21 Corolla penalty-box rental I’m in at the moment. As long as you’re not a ham-fisted moron, it’s fairly easy to adjust windows to your liking without engaging the auto down/up feature.
I am glad that he didn’t kill a kid who was using the park properly.
“Ohio’s outgoing plate, introduced in 2013, is just, what the hell is this:”
P.J. O’Rourke had it right on this one: The fastest car is any rented one.