
I still love the Nightmare in Beige even if she gets randomly picky about stuff. I’d happily watch her get second place on every all stars season

It’s Raven on fashion photo ruview who has said multiple times that Aja copies everyone else.

Now we know who stole Nina’s clown white.

I still don’t understand how she avoided being a one hit wonder

Jackie Brown is worth it for Pam Grier’s performance. It’s very different from Tarantino’s other movies, he doesn’t insert himself into it as much.

I feel like you don’t understand the context of this event. CPAC is the Conservative Political Action Conference. The NRA had a big presence at the event and had multiple speakers.

They’re making a reference to when Gloria Steinem said that women were only supporting Bernie Sanders to meet boys.

You just don’t understand, those rule work in those countries, but they would never work in the US.

Not the person you’re talking to, but I think everyone with the same job title should make the same base pay and those salaries or wages should be posted internally.

I was about to say the same thing!

I disagree. Any member of a middle school choir can sing the national anthem and hit all of the notes if they sing it straight and in an appropriate key.

I would say Beyonce and Ariana Grande are particularly good singers in terms of pop. Both have voices good enough for Broadway (Grande was literally on Broadway). I’d put them on the same level as Celine Dion, a tier below Whitney Houston, but a tier above Adele.

I’m sorry, but this was great and managed to be the only good part in a horrible movie.

Not everyone is going to hear something the same way, but that doesn’t change an objective fact of her not being on pitch for the majority of the song.

You can’t disagree with a fact.

Putting this here to defend Fergie because she has shown on one occasion that she is talented.

I don’t know why she can’t do this ever again.

No, we are definitely not listening to the same performance.
She hit two bad notes on the first word! I don’t know if I could count high enough for all the bad notes in the whole performance.

She’s shown that she can be outstanding, but has never done it again.

I believe mass shootings, gang and mob violence, domestic violence, police shootings, and I guess any type of murder with a gun that falls in the “other” category are different issues with different areas to address. (Not including serial killers because they usually don’t use guns).