
Can we please get some female characters? I get that Dragon Ball Z doesn’t have a lot of women in it, but only two where one had to be made up is pretty abysmal.

You’re saying gun control isn’t working in Chicago in an article about trying to stop school/mass shootings.

“You threw me in the gas chamber” doesn’t roll off the tongue because you didn’t grow up with it as a common phrase.

Was there a school shooting in Chicago that I don’t know about?

How does choosing a different turn of phrase actively hurt or repress anyone?

But how do you indicate that you’re driving at a slow speed on the highway if you can’t use your hazards?

Are we allowed to call white people uppity?

“You backstabbed me” and “You threw me under the bus” will have to suffice.

There are way too many 3D animated movies in the next one. We do not need Toy Story, Monsters Inc, AND Big Hero 6 (seriously, how did Big Hero 6 make the cut).

Especially now that Disney owns Star Wars and Marvel, it seems like there should be more variety.

The video they posted is from the European Championship, not the Olympics

What? I haven’t heard about this.

Her first single was made her the first female MC to get a #1 song in 20 years and didn’t have any features.

Cardi is giving those songs more of a boost than the collaborators are giving her.

To be fair, Nicki’s verse is the only other part of the song worth listening to after Cardi’s verse.

I admittedly had never heard the term “tandem parking,” but I don’t get how you couldn’t have heard most of those phrases?

Doesn’t everyone watch at least one real estate tv show?

It’s only full racist if you own slaves.

Wahlberg has an Oscar nomination, just saying.

Aw, I like Aveline a lot. It’s not her fault the game she was in was so bad.

Now playing

Not a Let’s Play per se, but BlueLizardJello’s Everything Possible series is amazing.

So this is definitely Nicki’s worst verse ever right?

This is miles worse than Stupid Ho

Lol they probably have an equal amount of sugar, cream soda just doesn’t have the added taste of ass.