
But Stringer wasn’t totally stupid. He just needed Avon to balance him out.

This covering a lot of historical ground I was going for breadth rather than depth, meaning I couldn’t really afford to talk in detail about both Halo and Gears (I was already way past my word count as things were). I went with the latter because the in-team dynamics of Marcus & co. are closer to the film especially

Right? They modeled damn near everything about the UNSC on the Colonial Marines.

Bernie fully expected a surge in young voters, which didn’t happen, again.

Steve gave Sam a Shield from basically another dimension. Does that make it the Governments?

That’s what I want to see. Sam doesn’t have the reflexes to pull off Steve’s shield moves, but if Steve got Shuri to build it off-camera then that fucking thing could be capable of anything.

I’m frankly more disturbed by how high up your television is.  

I’m sure the inevitable Jason Schier Post-mortem will confirm this, but I sincerely believe that they fully intended to release the Skyrim follow-up this generation, but then Witcher 3 dropped and blew their plans all to hell.

Between Breath of the Wild and Outer Worlds, plus of course Witcher 3, Bethesda has been caught standing still or coasting, while others solved what we had just presumed were unsolvable issues. We simply accepted buggy, brittle games as a trade off for the huge swathe of content open-world. Honestly in light of all

The Witcher 3 ate their fucking lunch while maintaining solid eye contact.

Bethesda really needs Starfield and the new Elder Scrolls to be really good games. Amazing games. Bethesda used to be lauded for their huge open-world games, and we would look past the bugs, glitches, and terrible animations because they were one of the only companies working on such a scale. Now every other AAA game

You’re right. This shit shoulda been handled a long time ago. But it wasn’t. So here we are. I watched snippets here and there and Schiff & Co. seemed to be keeping the story clear for us peasants in the bleachers. While predictably the rightists babbled bullshit.

I agree with a lot of what you said. I learned a lot a out politics from Deadspin, Gawker and Splinter. I learned more about my own blackness from The Root. I hope to one day write just one sentence as well as Michael Harriot does. I never got out of the grays but I'm happy to have contributed to the discourse in

Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.

Love you back, Mr. Nutty. 

I was radicalized by punk rock and Deadspin.

Not sure there’s gonna be a better place to post this, so here we go:

While I can’t disagree with much of what Breihan says, I recently rewatched this for the first time since it was in theatres, and found myself much more charitable towards the movie the second time around (though I never found it “boring,” as so many of the comments here echo). There’s probably an ideal Superman movie

I’m the guy that like Superman Returns. I didn’t love it like I did Spider-Man 2 or Batman Begins, but (outside of the mopey stalker scene) I feel like it hit the two things I needed from it. An actor who played CK and Supes like two different roles, and a Superman who was a beacon of hope. When they played the

Lebron is obviously a singular, once in a lifetime talent, but holy shit, his “team matriarch” persona he takes on has really got to be grating. I understand he is the Alpha and team leader (and he should be!)but I can totally see why Kyrie wanted the hell away from him.