I had a stock one for a few years, definitely felt like the minority.
I had a stock one for a few years, definitely felt like the minority.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
“Everybody’s going to know you scratched my balls”. I was the only one in the theatre that lol’d.
There will be a lot of takes on tonight’s Democratic debate. Here’s the one that matters.
People like you are ruining conference comedy for our most romantic and confidently nose-haired Nobelists! And Seinfeld is on his way to your house in his third favorite Porsche to tell you all about it.
I love this! I gotta say, though, I dislike the idea that you should be high to like Adventure Time, or that it helps to be high when you’re watching it. I don’t get high—it’s just not my thing—but I fucking love the show. I think it annoys me only because I hear that about a lot of the media I like, which leads to…
Yeah, at the end when she’s all “Don’t judge a book by its cover in case it’s Eddie Vedder!” I’m like... don’t do that *anyway*???
“Family-owned business falls victim to culture war.” Funny how that whole “personal responsibility” thing never applies to white Christians.
Hey, before when my wife used to complain that I wasn't using a coaster I'd knock her around a bit to remind her who was paying for shit around here. But now she brings out the No More coasters and they remind me not to take my anger out on her, so I just punch the wall instead. We spend a lot more money on spackle…
Not as big as his bits when he did this...
Gonna miss this show so much
I saw this monstrosity at the store today. I promptly sat down my basket of groceries and walked out. I purposely knocked over a display of Top Ramen on my way to the door. (Note: I didn't really do this, but I wanted to.)
I think possibly the most insulting thing about Shock Top is it's damn stupid label. I can't even…
The NFL is so evil it turned Ray Rice into a sympathetic figure. The only logical outcome of this is that he signs with New England so everyone can go back to hating him.
If you're a fan you should watch Lone Star. She's amazing in it.
While it is up for debate as to the sexiness or sex worthiness of the song, I would like to point out that "Lady Cab Driver" builds up to a section where Prince is having sex complete with the woman's moans.
That sounds ok. My local redemption center has a special, or "unlocked gate" in the local parlance, where one can get nearly unlimited last sips out of the bottoms of various cans of various beers after they have been redeemed for one shiny nickel apiece. I'm not sure what percentage of the beer cans have a soggy…
Excitebike 2014?!?!