
I do not play such games........with Jake...

Look NFL, if I want a gym/feel combo on a Thursday night, I go work out at the downtown YMCA and hang out in the showers a little too long afterwards.

I'm sorry, but I can't believe that Mendte was convicted of email hacking when he explicitly told Lane he was looking for a NSA relationship.

Ryan Anderson: [clicks on ""]

So the same thing from the 2005 Tokyo show, only taller?

Why does that matter if the cause is just?

Or, it's a gracious response to an ugly and untrue comment. But hey, don't let me stop you from assuming the worst.

That is my favorite beer!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't bring my precious Belgian beer into this. We want nothing to do with her or Ayn Rand for that matter!

"Why'd you buy that car?"
"Daewoo the babes!"
"...I'm going to never talk to you again"
"Yeah...that's fine..."

"...and that's why you should always turn into the closest lane to you"

and Newton—a supremely talented athlete who doesn't fit nicely into any kind of mold—is their next logical target.

Besides, Christians love the butt because it's Jesus's blindspot! Ladies, you can do it in the behymen and still be a virgin on your wedding night! Win-win!

Nice to see Peter Carroll helping people get free cars again.

Only if you're some type of lawyer or something and/or somebody important or something.

Can I just say I'm so happy that the Republicans can no longer filibuster judicial nominees, and at the same time SO ANNOYED that things had gotten to the point where getting rid of the filibuster was necessary? THIS IS WHY YOU CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS, MITCH MCCONNELL.

"Grampa, my pastor told me that he saw you molesting me when I was a baby. Is it true?"

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."