
Well Ray J was the one that wouldn't get out of her seat.

You say "flickering comprehension" as if there were another kind of comprehension in Oklahoma.

- Courtesy of Accuracy in Media

My first thought was "busted football" and then "super chapped lips" and THEN "sideways vagern." Of course, it's the vagina that always sticks.

The thing is, you can't selectively enforce a copyright if you want it to remain in effect. (And I assume however much the Beasties have disavowed the song, they still want it to stay under copyright.) They can license it to GoldieBlox for a dollar or something — and I kind of wish they would — but if they just say

Of course, if she finds pleasure in the act, she is deemed a whore, and immediately stoned to death, which I'm sure Phil Ball can be bought into justifying.

Please, Batkid! We have a rogue mayor on the loose! Bring back up - he's probably in a drunken stupor as we speak!

I once found myself on an elevator with Kenneth Branagh. Being inebriated, I did what I felt any sensible person should do under those circumstances: I complimented him on his body of work and asked if he would give me HBC's phone number. He stopped ignoring me long enough to look up and chuckle, "You can't actually

This news story keeps getting me down, so I'm happy that this was the first thing that came to my mind:


As a discerning Englishman, and long time fan of cars from Inglostadt, I feel I should spring to the defense of my fellow countrymen (and their sometimes dubious journalistic opinions).

Don't worry, Richie, in twenty years you won't even remember this or your name.


I don't mind having two players throw down in the heat of battle but what Emery did was hot garbage and he should get the Shanahammer thrown at him.

Le Creuset. If you can save up (or get them as extra-special presents), they are totally worth every penny. I've got a large braiser and a 7 qt french oven, and they are my favourite things ever. Plus, they're so pretty, and last forever!

I thought posts about pussies were supposed to go on Fleshbot.

It's also worth mentioning how Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice and a Baltimore native, was rejected by the University of Maryland School of Law due to segregationist policies. Then he went to Howard University, became a lawyer, then argued Brown v. Board of Education, and won the

That pic is of my boots. The manufacturer calls them men's boots. I really don't care about that because I am much more concerned with how much they cost and the "women's" equivalent was $40 more. But that's not the point.

Think of it as a way of you supporting the underdog as well as supporting free speech in America,

"Godleigh Womanhood" is a P.G. Wodehouse character. He is nearsighted and trips and falls into the fish pond.