Now playing

Or then again there's Lil B's whole song about the advances of technology and the impact on human and social progression/advancement compared to that of technology and computers. Sort of a new and interesting theme for a rap song that I've never really heard other rappers talk about.

The Gadget Show did something similar to this a few years ago but with a Golf GTI and Grand Turismo 4. Forgot the track though.

Any maybe cut off the turtle necks lol.

Yeah I'm still seeing Kats articles as they are usually convenient for me when she's posts due to the UK GMT times so I can see them during the morning/day here in the UK rather the American Giz editors/contributors whose articles would usually get posted early in the morning in my time zone. But atleast I can read

But what if its so thin and razor sharp that it cuts your fingers and palms while holding it?

Oh it will alright.

Well depending on how significant the updates and improvements are on the iPad 2/HD or whatever you want to call it, that will have a big impact on how low the prices for the original iPad drop in the 2nd hand market as you can already pick one up extremely cheap with hundreds off the current RRP so we may be looking

Lol, I was thinking the same thing.

If you click on the first image to the left the full story appears.

Stock Keeping Unit

I highly doubt they will make the switch over to their competitors Operating Systems, but they probably will keep on improving the infrastructure of it and the interface over time.

I was thinking the exact same thing, so thanks for that.

Unless its Marty McFly then its cool.

Well it seems the current relisted auction is actually going for more than the previous one ended at, currently at £94,000 with a quite some days left, oh and I noticed its located in the city next to me, collection possible?

@Jedi Niltag: Grok - To understand profoundly through intuition or empathy.

@jmd1513: Thats a nice picture

@Paolo.Lex: Haven't you sent them an email politely requesting for them to stop sending emails? Otherwise block them.

I actually clicked this thinking it may be an affordable but stylish cabinet/shelfing unit only to find out its seriously overpriced :(