
Sure. The basic idea is a fantasy novel about gods from various pantheons, who - contrary in some cases to the stories behind them - all existing together, because their existence is actually predicated on belief in them (this particular distinction is more important in Small Gods, given the expressed monotheism of

Well, you're right, I didn't say it was better.

I recall saying Small Gods did the idea better, which I definitely stand by.

I didn't read the back cover! And yeah, it's a great book.

Had the good fortune to see ENO's take on Satyagraha live just a few years back and hard same.

I wouldn't just blame Fallon and SNL: Trump had a host of normalising interviews across TV, including a softball exercise on Colbert's show.

The rule of thumb apparently is basically all the live action Marvel TV by Disney-ABC has been set in the MCU so they're assuming this is true for their latest offering.

Iron Fist doesn't even seem to know much about the mystical tradition he mastered somehow!

Honestly never saw that.

Well I do recommend Capriccio, it's short (for Strauss, anyway.)

I'm not thinking in the sense of license, I'm thinking in the sense of studio connections.

(I know. My point is she'd cameo as that character.)

I missed Eugene so I guess I'd better get to that. My fondness for Capriccio was also helped by seeing her in a production.

That was one of the few I saw in the live broadcasts they do. What a world.

I, for one, am so sick of assassins using the high note in Nessun dorma in Turnadot to disguise their crack shot.

Well, maybe try renting a shorter opera. Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel. Samuel Barber's Vanessa. I dunno.

I'm fond of Capriccio.

This is the first coverage I've seen of opera on the AV Club in, probably, years, which says it all.

I try to sell Der Ring to nerds on the basis that it is quite literally the Lord of the Rings of operas. That definitely worked for a teenage me.

I got to be in Bayreuth once for a single opera in the Ring cycle (The Valkyries - could never afford the whole thing.)