
Things I never thought to ask for from the universe nor expected but was gifted with anyways: Regina King and Carrie Coon jumping around on a trampoline to the Wu Tang Clan. It was adorable, hilarious and perfectly ridiculous.

Well that had a lot more urine imagery than I was expecting. I'll allow it since it was a solid first outing and I'm really excited about Carrie Coon being on tv twice a week for me. That song playing when she entered the house was eerie as shit, Noah Hawley shows take their usage of music to the next level.

My take on why they lied was that it would have undermined their cause, or like you said, she'd be at the conclusion that her parents really didn't need to be spies. If P&E could be wrong about something like that, what else have they been wrong about in the past and how badly were things escalated off of

I can see Phillip eventually admitting to her the truth, but I still think the fact that they chose to deceive her will hurt any chances of her accepting anything they say from then on.

I figured the truth about the grain would be what killed what was left in Philip's interest in being involved in their work, but I hadn't considered the impact it would have on Paige. P&E have been working hard to get her to trust the two of them, but I'm pretty sure any chance of her joining the team(or just not

How did Renee follow any of that story with Stan as he tactfully avoided giving her any classified information? I know what went down and I was getting lost in his 'this guy I know did this thing I can't talk about' routine. If I weren't convinced she's spying on him(even if not for the Russians), I'd say that's the

Yeah, that's going way overboard. Chuck is a total piece of shit for sure, but he's not the worst villain. I could see an argument for him being the biggest asshole of the BB universe seeing is that his motivation is not greed or self-preservation, it's strictly to put his brother down because he refuses to be seen

I've got to give it to the writers of the show for creating a character that feels morally bankrupt while literally playing by all the rules.

Last Lily was seen was during the finale. Some lunatic kept yelling at Nora "Hey, that's not your baby!" and then snatched her. Lily was dropped on the bridge and nearly trampled to death, but Nora shielded her with her body and took her home. She appeared to be fine.

Me, about 20 minutes into the episode, "Man, it's nice to see Kevin have his shit together. No doubt this is the most healthy Kevin's been this whole series". Cut to 40 minutes later, after seeing him tape a bag over his head, "Eh, I standby what I said".

I get that Paige is looking at her mom with new eyes, but she's setting impossible standards if Elizabeth has to be nice to door to door salespeople.

I do think Chuck is conning Ernesto, but not to go to the cops. Chuck knows the tape isn't useful in court, and it's not useful to win back his client, but I think Chuck is banking on Jimmy not being as brilliant of a legal mind to know that. It's use is that he can make Ernesto think it's valuable and Ernesto will

Mike is a far more patient person than I. Had I spent an entire day tearing apart a car only to find that what was I was looking for was in the gas cap, I would have completely lost my shit.

I was hoping it'd be revealed that P&E had gotten it wrong on what the pests were for, but I didn't think the impact of it would be so immediate. I'm now really worried for Phillip, both in that MotherRussia is not going to take kindly to him trying to leave the game, but maybe more importantly, how that's going to

My theory is along the same path. I believe he was working on a project in Russian to make GMOs that could withstand travel and hold up against pests and once he defected, he decided to continue that work for the US instead. The bugs Elizabeth found were merely for testing the efficacy of the genetically modified

I think a lot of it has to do with the guilt he feels for how Nina was treated as a source. And unlike Nina, Oleg came to Stan with information out of it being a matter of conscience, not a matter of blackmail.

I really wasn't expecting for Stan for pull that card, but talk about way to rebuild your integrity. I certainly hope it doesn't come to that, but at least Oleg is safe….for now.

If Paige has a problem with her parents just befriending people under a false identity, I hate to see how she'll react if she ever finds out about Martha, poor sweet babushka wearing(but thankfully alive and well) Martha.

My mom also picked up scrap booking when I was 13, it all makes so much sense now. And I agree that while Linda's antics missed the mark, the heart in this episode made up for where the humor lacked.

Cue the comments about Keri Russel's bum in 3…2…1….