For a guy who's entire job is to understand human behavior and adjust accordingly, you'd think he'd be a little better at knowing what "meeting someone" entailed. I suspect that lady forgot about him 5 minutes later.
For a guy who's entire job is to understand human behavior and adjust accordingly, you'd think he'd be a little better at knowing what "meeting someone" entailed. I suspect that lady forgot about him 5 minutes later.
Considering how much Philip and Elizabeth have done for cause and country, I would have put my foot down on disinterring the body of a colleague infected with a deadly contagion, but that's why I'm working in insurance and they are super spies.
Also, if there's a barometer for how crappy Chip's life is, I think we can measure it against how excited he was for the prospect of being able to afford a studio apartment near the Bakersfield airport.
I'm trying to not get too excited about Christine's trip to Denver, because with this show, happiness is kind of the last thing I'm betting on. Her story does give me the most optimism, and I'm continually proud to see this woman in her 60s finally learning to treat herself right, by trying to physically better…
It's good to see that relationship between dead Norma and Norman is a fraught as it was when she was still alive. I was a little worried they'd go with her being either some idealized version of her or and all seeing eye, but she's still just his mother and for that I am grateful.
I'd give this episode a B+ just for the cat doing that pawing thing on Bob's belly. I never noticed it's snaggletooth before but it made me smile each time I saw it. The only downside for me was the family eating catfood throughout. I thought it was mildly amusing the first time they showed it, but it was a little…
Maybe it's because I've spent too much time there, but the "You can't have fun in Tampa" reply was the line of the night for me.
God, this show did such a great and hilarious job of showing just how quickly shit can escalate between siblings, especially over something so trivial. I've never had a toilet burst in the middle of one of my family fights, but everything else hit pretty close to home.
I was a little nervous after last week that Jean Smart's role on the show would be marginal, because while she was great on Fargo, she wasn't exactly racking up screen time. This episode helped to assuage some of those fears, so between that and the clarity being provided as to David's mindset/skills, I'm pretty much…
Mama Basket's positivity throughout the first half of the episode in addition to her flirting was an absolute delight. I wonder how many people have ever been that enthusiastic about possibly visiting a waste plant, going behind The Iron Curtain, and receiving that Reagan bracelet as a gift.
One of the things I love…
I had the same thoughts regarding the bail amount, but considering Chip was living as a vagrant, it was probably set high because he would be considered a flight risk.
I don't know what it is about the Basket boys that have them chasing after women who are clearly not into them. Penelope comes across as smitten with Chip in comparison to the disinterest Martha showed Dale in the first half of the episode. I loved her tossing away the not-pansies without a 2nd thought.
Nathaniel soiling himself while Paula and Maya looked on just made it in the esteemed list of Top Cringe Moments from this show. I'd put in 3rd after Rebecca's pole dance and the time she emulated everything Valencia was doing to befriend her.
I'm fairly certain that Penelope had left the country before Martha and Dale got together.
I think Chip left right after he found out about his brother and Martha, so I have to assume it was before that.
I appreciate that the flashback provided a glimpse to see why Chip would have hung onto hope that Penelope would one day reconcile since she was so nonchalant about accepting his invite and even affectionate before the show. She's still awful, as evidenced by how quickly she left, but for a minute I understood why…
I'm probably wrong about this, but I'm tempted to believe that the pope is just punking everyone in an effort to prove their loyalty and devotion to the church. I mean, it's easy for people to line up and support someone like Pope Francis who tries to display the best in humanity, but how much can people tolerate…
I'm stoked to be on board for this seasons reviews now that I got my head out of my ass and checked out of the best comedies on tv at Beema's insistence. Normally blatant corporate sponsorship in a show annoys me, but I find myself amused any time they figure out how to work Arby's or Costco into an episode. Them…
You're welcome. I really didn't have much interest in it based off the previews but figured I'd give it a shot. So far it's been much more entertaining than I'd have ever guessed and I'd watch it just for all the scenery.
It was on Monday at 9. I believe HBO is going to be showing them 2 at a time for the entire season. One on Sunday the next on Monday. Luckily I saw that on Whats on Tonight, or I'd have had no clue.