Dot Dot Dot

Please be joking

Which two characters has he played that were the same?

That Steve Carell was a ghost all along?

You seem like the kind of guy who corrects strangers’ grammar on the internet.

“Serbia Coach Wants Referee ‘Sent to The Hague’”

While I found the first movie charming but forgettable, I am disproportionately invested in my hope that somebody in Trolls 2 will make some sort of reference to Troll 2. At least now that the McElroys are in it I have better justification to watch the movie to find out.

Come on, it’s been a franchise since Empire. Which was better than Star Wars, btw.

The same handful of dopes writing negative reviews on a movie every day for nine months straight doesn’t impress me, my dude. There is no way you don’t know what a review bomb is in this day and age. And which “majority” are you all, 54% or 30%? What exactly inspired you to write paragraphs of response on this eight

So. Pretty lonely, huh?

Casting and costume are not related at all.

I haven’t read the book but from what I have heard, it sets my yikes alarm off on full blast for that very reason. I am curious to read it just in the hopes that I am wrong but the last time I gave a story like that a shot it was exactly as gut-wrenchingly creepy as I thought, despite all the praise.

This is the bit that introduced me to Mr. Show at 15 years old. Bob and David shrug it off as a dumb, easy gag, but I still remember how hard I laughed in the middle of an otherwise forgettable special.

Luke was a hero, and he died saving people. Leia will surely continue to save people and die a hero. There’s a chance Ben Solo will die a hero saving people, and if he ends his story a villain, to paraphrase Luke, the force is greater than any group of people. Disney has already made clear this will be the end of the

I wasn’t discussing the quality of the film with you. I know better than to try to convince somebody who takes the movie so personally 7 months after the fact is not going to have their misdirected passion swayed. To be specific, you came to an article discussing a director’s actions to avoid further social media haras

“You already know the truth. Whomever you’re waiting for on Jakku, they’re never coming back.” —Maz Kanata, The Force Awakens.

Why on earth would you hope that of Han and Leia?

People weren’t excited about Solo starring Not Harrison Ford since well before TLJ. Disney didn’t release publicity for it until unusually late, and seemed to have written it off as a loss. I expect episode ix will do much better than Solo, and somewhat worse than episode viii, because that’s the pattern of trilogy

Or maybe releasing two movies about the same family five months apart was a bad idea, and the Solo movie was never something people were very excited about in the first place. But that downplays your personal betrayal narrative.

Rey is the one who said who they are, not Kylo. “Say it.” “They were nobody.” If for some mind-boggling reason they turn out to be somebody, it will have been him repeating her own limited information, not lying.

Rey didn’t burn the books, Yoda beat Luke to burning the tree to help him realize he does care about the Jedi, but that it will be okay without him.