Raoul Duke

I always thought that yellow=happy was newer until I started thinking about the sun- I was wondering if that association was related to the popularization of that bright yellow smiley face worn on tie dye by hippies back in the day and now ubiquitous as THE smiley face. Hstorically in literature yellow has been


Agree; hope to see some more of Jim Rash's character now that Harmon's back- learning Dean Pelton thinks in French music was the funniest shit I've seen on television in a LONG time. And somehow almost oddly moving, in an entirely character-appropriate yet super-absurdist way.

I'm irritated that they had to give away the surprise Breaking Bad crossover connection so early on in the series. That shit should have been their hatch.

Look all I can say is that as opposed to most shows, like that one goddamn maddening season of 24, at least they bothered to get their NYC geography right, as you can indeed hop on a 6 train from Union Square and take it one stop to Astor…

No worries, it was on HBO on the new edgy Fraggle Rock Reboot. It was the episode where Goggins had a cameo as a notorious Somalian Pirate and fell in love with the new Fraggle, Mara who turned out to have been a pansexual alien succubus with sixty six dicks and a vagina face, but who ultimately killed herself and her

Maybe; definitely at least "or something." So I guess now we know for sure she's "more than meets the eye"*** and maybe I'm being conspiratorial but I wonder if naming her Mara is either a hint or a shout out to another charcter on another show who caught Walton Goggins eye, roped him into a fmaily and ended up

Clarification: I used the word "touched" to try and be polite instead of seeking out a probably non-existent pejorative describing effectively the inescapable commercial beating America was given with this song during a particularly painful period in radio history, which precipitated the downfall of the music

A) So, you're projecting this phony-ringing, cloying, desperate hyper-positivity: and yet at the same time the facts are you or someone claiming to be you is rapidly posting in response to a mostly harmless tongue-in-cheekish regular Onion-affiliated column that by design literally always consists of hipsters hating

This review leads off with one of the most hilariously transparent/accidentally hurtful complisults I've read in a while.