
re reading that I had forgotten how much of a regular Milkproof Robot was here.

Apparently it’s vitally important that I be told that I have replies to my comments about the first Ghostbusters trailer.

I’m getting swamped with notifications, and I suspect I’m missing fresh replies as a result.

They can’t even properly import comments from disqus. Do I really need all those notifications of old replies to my old comments? Do I need to lose my current notifications among them?

It seems like its porting over sluggishly, in waves. I’d hate to be one of the more prolific commenters that must be getting swamped with outdated notifications.

I do remember the spot.IT debacle, although I didn’t actually witness the demo - just the aftermath after it failed catastrophically. I went on record at one

Nope. I got a notification that someone replied to me on it about an hour ago. They are loading comments really slowly right now.

And I still don’t know how to transfer my legacy account... :(

At least the debacle was gloriously hilarious and more importantly, impermanent. This? This kinja here? This shit ain’t going away.

I was going to watch it, but I realized I didn’t want to spend $10 on a movie.

For anyone who’s interested, I found a thread where it looks like everyone unloaded about how great they realized Disqus was after the debacle:

I saw Inhumans this weekend. It was pretty great actually and I’m sorry it wasn’t a bigger hit. I thought they did a great job with Dr. Flame and The Creature was exactly how I remember from the comic. I loved the way the Inhumans came together to defeat The Purple Midnight in the end. It was a satisfying first

How was your weekend?


I too am curious as to when this will happen as we’re going on week two and my patience with The A.V. Club is wearing very, very thin.


Curious, when the old comments will get added to old articles? I was catching up on a TV show that aired earlier in the year, and enjoying reading the corresponding AV Club review from that time after each episode. But sadly, there were no comments to read after the reviews. Seeing smart/spirited/pun-filled

Yep. I thought it was all a bunch of childish whining by people who fear change. Turns out everyone was right. This place sucks now (55 comments in 11 hours? Ordinarily there would have been what, hundreds, a thousand for this column by now?). But at least they did me the favor of breaking my addiction too, I’m a lot

I said I’d stick around, and I’m gonna try, but goddamn it’s difficult.

A few of the Harvey articles brought in racist and vile commentators, and then someone on Twitter tweeted out examples of how AV Club commentators are the worst. It wasn’t even “us!”

It sucks and there’s no one single reason why it sucks. But the comment system is built for a few comments per article. Not hundreds of comments by many people participating in a conversation. And the presenation of aticles and abundance of articles from sister sites makes it seem like a generic aggregator, not a

Predator again