Cyril From Renault

I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

I will wager that we’ll see a lot of people sending hopes and prayers, asking “How did this happen?” while they sip from their bulk manufactured cups and enjoy complex meals created from various sundry animal and plant matter. Blessing their God upon others, while shaking their head in apathetic impotence at the fact

A great way to save Williams from running last.

“They want to be able to control what and when their people see”

I’d go even further and say the idea that Jewish people and their interests are synonymous with the interests of the Israeli government is, in and of itself, an anti-Semitic idea. It is invalidating to the many, many Jews who do not agree with the actions and policies of the Israeli government. We don’t treat any

I will continue to need to speak for the reasonable Jew community of this country. Engel, shut the fuck up. There is positively nothing anti-Semitic about what she said. If she was talking about any other country, this article wouldn’t exist.

It’s interesting I have a friend who lives in Copenhagen. She’s american but has lived there for work for many years. She says that the locals HATE that tourists rent bikes (love/hate really). Specifically that so many american’s just don’t know how to follow basic bike traffic laws and end up causing frustrations for

It costs $0.50 to have the USPS deliver a letter for you. What would UPS et al. charge? Comparing apples to apples, a UPS second-day air flat-pack envelope from my home in New York to my mother in Arizona would cost $34.63, without weekend delivery. The same service via USPS is $6.70, or $24.70 if I want Saturday

For “unexpected Schieße” an armored vehicle is required. Now, for “unexpected Scheiße,” perhaps a speed limit sign is in order.

“A simple hat ban made by a bunch of white dudes 200 years ago is effectively preventing Omar from doing her job while exercising her faith.”

how was that snarky? he gave you an answer and a reason for the answer. Go find a safe place.

The whole burnout u-turn preceding that on a public road without taking the time to make sure there was no one coming makes him a douchebag.

Simpler answer: Because the military-industrial complex told them they did.

Or if the race series is brave enough, power the rear facing super soaker.

I wish our society would stop thinking of the human body as something shameful, to be hidden.

This. Attempted murder means intent to kill. Aside from proving it, I doubt Fenati meant to do anything more than make him crash, and probably didn’t think about the potential ramifications of his actions.

He’s Bourgeois Bradley

Now this is a flagship.

Bullfighting can fuck off and die in a fire. This leaves us with only two sports: mountaineering and motorsport.

Because touch screens tend to require visual confirmation of what you're pressing - along with some reasonable expectation of accuracy in actually pressing the thing you're trying to press. They work fine in nearly stopped traffic or long clear highways, but trying to press a button at arm's length while being moved