Jim Carrey will be SNL’s Joe Biden. [Us Weekly]
Jim Carrey will be SNL’s Joe Biden. [Us Weekly]
Curious if anyone follows Paris Hilton on instagram - she’s posting some huge party with celebrities tonight. No masks, everyone dancing and partying and hugging - I mean... I am curious to see what the media will say.
The only thing I think of when I read or hear Encino is the amazing 90s comedy Encino Man starring Brendan Fraser, Sean Astin & Pauly Shore.
So the couple that broke up yesterday consisted of a serial cheater with abandonment issues and a transphobic bigot who sent people to beat up sex workers and has confessed to drugging her former clients so she can steal from them- but somehow Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are the worst couple... ok I’m officially…
That “fun fact” about Tina Knowles in not fun at all! She and her own siblings have different last names because racists couldn’t be bothered to spell their names correctly, or even give black people birth certificates? Not fun at all.
She said she also wanted to share with her fans her postpartum plans to take care of herself, which might have been more poignant had they not also included a shameless plug for her own meal box company, Bounty and Full.
They’re the same people who, when faced with flesh and blood victims of actual abusers, will look for every little reason they can find to blame the victim and excuse the abuser.
Oh my God. Last week I saw several people share a picture of a young girl in lingerie saying “This is what child trafficking looks like. “ I asked them to take it down. They said they were just exposing the problem. I said they were exposing an actual child and disseminating child pornography. Don't share pictures of…
They were watching Dance Moms, Toddlers and Tiaras, Honey Booboo...
I count myself lucky that the first time I ever heard of QAnon was about a week ago, when I matched with one of their lot on Tinder. She never came right out and said she was QAnon, but it was a fairly obvious conclusion for me to draw (from my subsequent online research) based on our conversation:
Where were all these outraged QAnon people when Trump ordered kids to be separated from their parents and put in cages in the concentration camps on the border? I guarantee that some of those kids are being sexually abused. I don’t recall any big “Q” signs at the Families Belong Together protest I went to.
Exactly. Her run for Democratic presidential nominee was what she needed on her resume to be the token democrat-liberal on Fox News.
Tulsi is auditioning for FOX News.
I don’t have a comment. I just noticed your user name and wanted to let you know that I am giving my hairless guinea pig a hug.
My favourite commentary on this whole thing.
Party goers attest that other than a chunk of nannan’s skull landing in the punch bowl the party was an absolute blast!
It’s all just a huge unknown - which is why it’s silly for anyone to assume they can’t get it again. Doctors have no fucking idea - COVID-19 has only been known to us for less than a year!
Two thoughts other than the obvious eye rolling this induced: