dorothy zpornak's hump

The most recent poll showed Biden 3 points behind Trump in Utah which should show voters what are thinking about. Four years of Biden is a damn sight better than Trump. It’s called pragmatism and understanding that there is a clear distinction between honest to god evil and a politician. 

It’s important to listen to all allegations but it’s as important to investigate allegations too.  These allegations always involve the lives of more than the alleged victim and alleged perpetrator(s). Even if she was telling the truth (and it certainly seems that she is not), a Biden administration is going to be

I stay out of stores as much as possible because of people walking around with bare faces. I wear a mask anytime I leave my house and I get dirty looks and it’s insane. I don’t care but I’m prepared for a covidiot approaching me for minding my business. I’m just waiting for all hell to break loose and then we’ll see

I agree with the gist of your argument and I agree that the rush to indict via the press is not great. I wish the press had done a better job at vetting Tara Reade and had presented her full past and then allowed the public to make up their minds. I think she’s troubled and I don’t believe her story. The woman in this

Hi fellow Missourian! I am starting to put money away now to leave this place and head for a state that has shown to have better leadership and people seem to more willing to work together. This is awful and scary and I’m ready to leave now. The area I live in had a 100 mile yard sale this weekend and I’m just

These same types of people also hanged Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear in effigy at the Kentucky capitol but promise it was a peaceful protest. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Chef’s kiss perfection. That is exactly what is going to happen. Why the republican establishment thinks killing or severely sickening it’s base is a good idea is baffling to me. However, you can’t protect people from themselves and their bad decisions so I’m just sitting back and waiting. Someone is bound to be right

Meh. I think we need to bring back shaming selfish people and those who are putting their idiocy on display. This is life and death. 

I am constantly shocked at the level of selfishness and short sighted I am witnessing around me. I live in a red state and as soon as I am able to safely move I’m outta here. Almost universally I am one of the only people wearing a mask when I have no choice but to be out in public (including workers). My neighbors

Is it wrong that I feel like she looks like a Real Housewife with bad face work? She has the same weird facial texture that people who have too many fillers and ‘beach curls’ hair that is parted down the middle. Put her in a body con dress and a drink in her hand and she’d fit in with RHOC.

I think all of Cruise’s antics since this movie came out have to have undoubtedly colored her perspective. He was good in this movie but he also had a very different public persona. We didn’t know what all we know about him then. He was happily married to Nicole Kidman and was a member of a weirdo religion. That’s all

I’ve actually stopped shopping inside grocery stores. I do the grocery pickup and I start my cart like two weeks ahead of time and add things when I think of them. But I also never enjoyed shopping in stores. It’s always been stressful and claustrophobic for me. I’m a bit of a misanthrope and hermit so online shopping

If anything I would say he would have defined himself as bisexual. He talked freely about his experiences with men and women. The reason he disavowed the biography after it was published is because he felt guilty over his orientation as it related to his religion. But it is a wild read. He did not like John Lennon,

I highly recommend anyone who is a Little Richard fan read the autobiography he agreed to, and then disavowed almost immediately after it came out because he told it all. The gay affairs, marriage, leaving the music industry to find god, etc. It was published in the 1980s and it was an amazing read. It isn’t in

Yep. And he’s so paranoid about being liked that if this get bad polling, he’ll absolutely cave. Especially if he can’t blame anyone else. 

I get it. I love Beetlejuice and rewatched it with my 10 year old nephew and was a little horrified to realize that Beetlejuice was crushing on Lydia, and tried to pressure into marrying him. As a kid that went right over my head but damn. The movie was also a lot grimmer and violent than I remembered too. Having said

Here’s the thing - normal is gone, never to return. There is no way to avoid economic depression worldwide. Life as we knew it is gone. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Inequality was such a beast that maybe from the ashes of Trump, covid and the inevitable depression we have a chance to make the world better and

I am so sorry for what your part of the country is going through. As for the Christians who are flagrantly disregarding what doctors and scientists are saying people should do to avoid this (which honestly isn’t that much), I keep thinking about the part of the Bible where Jesus said thou shalt not tempt the lord thy

But you can’t expect them to help. I mean it isn’t like the grotesquely rich can’t pay for all the tests the country needs, and turn out ventilators and push for vaccines that would keep their workforce healthy. I mean, how else are they supposed to enjoy life if they have to think about literally anyone else but

Let’s hope and pray (if you believe in anything) that an FDR for us is out there now. This virus will go away but the consequences of it will linger in so many insidious ways. I hope that the feckless governors and the people in the WH and Congress who sat on their hands and sold stocks and warned their friends are