Dorothy's Caftan

Who is Jesus? I don’t know her.

The good news won’t stop!!!

This person isn’t just disagreeing. They’re on a feminist website and touting as fact that nuclear families and backward relationships where women are subservient to men is the best choice. That would be like going onto the Humane Society’s website and posting pics about how you do dog fighting and think it’s just the

If other people want to attempt a discussion, that’s cool. The comments don’t have to be an echo chamber. But according to this person’s comment history, their worldview is fucked. I personally would rather not see their sexist, anti-choice, rape apologist comments than try to to set them straight every time they say

How interesting that you’ve “always” been aware of it, because as a woman I’ve never heard this expressed in my life, or felt it with my own partners, or seen it in the way a single woman in my family or circle of friends chose a partner or spoke about them. I think the author was being ironic with the “of course” as

Oh my God you sound scary. No I do not want to find a man worthy of my submission, LOL. There is no such thing. I just happen to have a very confident, out-spoken personality and my husband, not so much. I have friends who are the opposite. There is no “submission” or “worthiness” involved.

Sorry, I’m too busy making more than my husband as an engineer to let him be the bread winner for our household. I’m also getting a tubal in a couple weeks so we won’t be having kids ever. We have separate finances and have things divided up equally because WE ARE FUCKING EQUALS. He is not my daddy who needs to

No. Just no.

No dick jokes please!! Okay, here’s one:

It makes me so happy to read about others living the good life with their own little Bitch Kitties. Our Bitch passed a couple of years ago after 16 years of pissing on everything I owned, meowing like a c*nt in the middle of the night (every night), and leaving permanent claw marks on the back of my legs. And I miss

Right? My dog is getting up there in age, and my parents let it slip that they’ve started putting aside vacation time every year for the impending massive meltdown I’ll have. I think Louis C.K. called pets a heartbreak waiting to happen.

JUST GONNA SIT OVER HERE CRYING GUYS. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve owned both cats and dogs and losing them opens up a hole in your heart that can shock you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the pain. You did a great thing by providing him with a home while he was here. You’re good people.

sorry for your loss

Caitlyn Jenner SHOULD get more shit for her beliefs than her gender identity, since her beliefs are stupid, and she had basically nothing to do with being trans. So, yay, if that’s the way it’s going down for her.

Good. Discrimination is:

But if you don't brag about him on Facebook does he really even exist?

If they're not the most insecure, they're certainly the most nauseating.