
Probably you shouldn’t make sweeping statements about what people’s reactions to penises should be unless you’re a) a woman who has made the choice to wait until marriage to have sex and deserves not to encounter her first penis in a humiliating situation where she’s made fun of, or b) a woman who’s been molested,

Smearing the women who came forward was NOT 30 years ago. It was last year, and will likely also be in the next few days. You sound like a dumb troll.

As someone who has been paraded with a dick in front of her face in various occasions I am going to ask you to shut up.

A sex offense? Yes. Pushing your/someone’s uncovered genitals toward someone’s body when not wanted? Preeeeetty much the definition.

NYT has some great investigative journalists and a lot of other great professionals, but their access journalists and their editors and social media people are, well, misguided is a nice way to describe it.

Mia is not a saint. As a 19 year old, she began dating “family friend” Frank Sinatra, marrying him when she was 21 and he was 50. She divorced him at 23 and then contributed to the end of Andre Previn’s marriage. She ended up marrying Previn when he was 41 and she was 25.

Yeah, nope. So what are the chances that there is a generational sexual abuse aspect at play here? What are the chances that Mia Farrow was sexually exploited while a teen actress in hollywood? You think maybe a big chance? I do. Do you understand that some victims of sexualized grooming and abuse go on to abuse

What even is this?! Never seen or heard of this ever. When I try to google it, the only place this shows up is a website named (I shit you not) Woody Allen Mob Lynching! I am crying I’m laughing so hard! This doesn’t even read like scientific documentation!! Oh my god my sides!!!!!!

I was abused by a friend at 14.  I had never even kissed a boy at that point or seen an erect penis.  I didn’t have words to describe what happen and, even now, if I try to describe it, I falter.  My therapist says this reverting to this state is normal with people who have experienced trauma at a young age.

So, I’m just going to say that a child who has endured such a breach of trust from a parental figure is going to be confused, stilted in presentation, inconsistent (funny just like adult victims of abuse) in details. But just like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford said in her testimony to the house regarding her interaction

As always, Dylan Farrow shows up like a grown up in response from more nonsense and bullshit from Team husband-dad-has-a-movie-coming-out-and-wants-awards.

Conversion therapy is super effective, ive met tons of hot dudes there.

the essence of neoliberalism imo is gesturing toward progressive racial/gender/sexual politics without doing anything to affect the underlying structure that causes the exploitation, so they can feel good about themselves without upending the status quo that benefits them.

dont bring your bible to school - its killed more people than guns could ever hope to.

lol, what? you’re patting yourself on the back because you’re using minorities to hawk some products? How tone deaf can one person be? You aren’t creating shit. You are coming in here, saying that “end state capitalism is (promoting) a more diverse and inclusive society”? LOL, the American Education System (TM) has

Diversity in marketing is the peanuts racist institutions have successfully reduced the entire racial equality movement down to. Like we used to have social programs and laws that tackled the incredible disparity between white and POC, and they were effectively reducing the gap and improving life conditions for

Yeah that’s similar to the lines my teams have been fed by management. I think the Unitarians have a phrase... “faith with works is dead.” (I’m paraphrasing)

It’s super easy, if someone does some racist bullshit tell, them they have to leave. It’s not hard, I’ve even done it at my house.

Deeply humbling a.k.a. we trotted out a half assed “apology” that was unequivocally rejected.