Dorothy in the Streets Blanche in the Sheets

Right re: Uber. I’ve barely taken it, so IDK. In 2009, I lived within walking distance of the WH and Mall (okay, a little hike, but Dupont). Now I live near 16th, but much farther north. I think I might recommend a 16th St bus— they’ll sit on it forever, but they won’t have to worry about parking, and it won’t cost

What do you think of taking a bus? Or Uber? I have houseguests who will be marching— it’s not ideal, but maybe one of the 16th St/S buses downtown (probably will take 90 instead of 30 minutes), or...?

I, too, am local. I struggled to think of a single “dress shop.” If you want to get really fancy, Saks Jandel?

Save up your pin money, Martha!

Haha! Also, the beauty parlors! And good luck trying to get spats for your shoes!

I was about to be like, wow, so true, so real... and then I remembered I have a really “bad” birthday that has regularly has really bad things happen on it— purposely planned because of the date. I don’t want to doxx myself, but you get the idea. I guess I’m just used to it. Blah.

I’m with you? Nose, maybe? MAYBE some collagen? And they all do Botox? But not like drastic facial restructuring AFAICT.

So, I agree I’m uncomfortable trotting out this and similar pictures, since those who don’t pass as easily deserve equal protection.

So, I have a major NPD person in my life. She has ALWAYS been “this way.” She just hid it a *little* better in the past— a little more discriminating with her targets, a little more articulate. That’s it. She’s in her 80s now and some of the family members have started dismissing her behavior as “dementia,” but the

I’ve also heard/experienced that NPD-sufferers tend to cling to the fashion era during which they either looked best or had the best memories. So their style tends to look dated and try-hard. I’m not sure if/how that exactly applies to Trump, but just a point.

I gave birth in pigeon pose. Well, modified pigeon pose. :) Good luck!

Yeah, that’s a definite “First World”/whatever problem BUT who the heck BUYS A HOUSE without telling their spouse? Or even a car? Or anything that costs more than $50 (income adjusted, let’s say $500)?! But worse to buy a piece of freaking real estate with no consultation?

There are also some standout films from that era that were *not* all-white. Talk about missed opportunity.

Ooh, I want to play this game!

This is gaslighting-adjacent. “You just can’t know what the truth is. So, whatever I say, goes, then— right?”

Never realized my mom looked like a young Debbie Reynolds! My dad always said Donna Reed, but I see it.

Clinton voters are, on average, more educated than Trump voters. It’s not rocket science (ha) to figure they’re at least a bit less gullible, *on average*.

And apparently, Santa Don’t Crack! Looking much the same years later.

I was thinking this. I have a close friend who is sort of on their staff, but is virulently anti-Trump. I wonder if they can also get out of this.

100% Grade A BS— all he has EVER wanted is the love and adulation of the elites.