Dorothy E. Smurf

I hardly take the subway because I’m mostly a hermit, I don’t have friends in this city and I can’t control the temperature outside. but I haven’t come across any really egregious manspreaders in my relatively short time in this amazing but urine coated city. However, there was an older man sitting across from me a

When I first moved to NYC I lived in the same building as Bill Nye for like 2 weeks. He spoke to me casually a couple of times and every single time I was so nervous I was going to say something dumb so I spoke as little as possible. Sharing an elevator with him and no one else is probably the coolest thing that’s

Uh, this isn’t really helpful. SoCal is not actually a desert, though there are deserts in CA the coastal areas of LA, OC, and SD are not desert climates - more Mediterranean.

He may have been trying to look at sexual selection but that doesn’t negate the fact that the number of potential mates available is the actual variable between these two populations. I only brought up meiosis to demonstrate that evolution favors genetic variation and sexual selection is not required for genetic

yes but sexual reproduction doesn’t require sexual selection- as evidenced by the fact that both groups of beetles sexually reproduced and even the author is only arguing that sexual selection played any kind of roll in one of those groups.

I also have #problems with this argument. Not sure if I would call it evo-psych but at least from what is presented in the Jez article it seems kind of dumb and not very well thought out.

Anyone else having trouble buying this argument?

Who nose

neither of them have noses.

This is the correct answer, and also a good way to gain some practically useless millennial attention.

Things I learned today:

Sure. One is undeniably worse than the other, but from my perspective (which is admittedly biased) the difference is more of degree than of kind.

also- I know it’s just a typo, but I love the idea of Ovary-fashion

Not offended, just confused.

Huh? Sorry I’m not sure I understand your comment. I’m not from a family of Hatian Voodoists, though, if that’s what you’re asking. My relatives are tried and true ‘Muricans and therefore are hard-core Christians (well, they call themselves Christians anyway...)

It’s probably not on anymore. I was babysitting one of my nephews a few years ago and he was just chillin watching Disney when that show started and he immediately changed the channel. I asked if he didn’t like the show, but then he told me he just wasn’t allowed to watch it... I’ve never seen it but I imagine magic

Real talk- approx. half of my family believes that witchcraft is real and dangerous, and is the stated reason why their children can not read/watch Harry Potter, or that Disney show about a witch family (?). The struggle is real folks.

I’m fairly certain that he was either grown in a lab or is in fact an android. No natural born human can be that perfect looking.

yeah I remember in the books that she walked to the homes of different tenants with her basket of medicines and it helped Ian and Jenny see how smart and useful and different she was. I fail to see how doing the laundry accomplishes the same thing, but maybe I just have a thing against laundry. I had to use a

I’m frustrated that Claire has been practically useless since they got to Lallybroch. Shouldn’t she been offering her skills as a healer to all of her husband’s tenants?