
He’s been to the left of Warren his whole career, including when she was voting for Reagan.

Sanders is posturing himself to the left of Warren because he IS significantly to the left of Warren.

...and fail violently.

My feeling is that Rust Belt voters who voted for Trump because Hillary never came to their town to explain that she was clearly the better choice are dumb.  If she was only in their area for five minutes, 2016 was still already a world in which the internet existed.  What if she had gone there ten times as much as

“If things were completely different, your reaction would be completely different.”

I like how apparently having policy differences with someone is a “mythical leftist purity test in which the only thing that matters is economic socialism”. It’s a primary. The whole point is to find a candidate whose policies we most agree with.

So what, you think it’s a conspiracy that Warren may have won the endorsement with a minority of the vote? Or is the conspiracy that WFP won’t release the vote because they don’t want people to know?

From what I was aware of there is a lot of impersonation. People do not normally say “Hi Im a Sanders supporter. Fuck you cunt”

So I take it this is WFPs latest distraction attempt to avoid releasing the vote totals?

Release the vote totals like you did in 2015 or else it is a case of “the lady doth protest too much.”

No offense, but, this:

Thank you for saying this - it’s such a fundamental point. Capitalism is, point blank, the biggest problem humanity faces. I know it’s hard for people to hear - that’s propaganda and indoctrination for you - but it’s literally going to destroy us. Warren is not bad, she’s good, but she does not get this. She believes

I like Warren just fine for a Dem (so not very much, but certainly better than most of her party), but I gotta say: “Eat the rich” and “vote for the ‘capitalist to [her] bones’” are somewhat...contradictory programs.

Personally I see it as more tiresome to cast the figureheads of bourgeois dominance in tacky fanfic narratives completely at odds with their own material histories of action and repeatedly stated sympathies for the scummiest humans in this country, but hey, enjoy your Notorious RBG action figure or whatever.

Why would she merc her “very decent and very smart” colleague? RBG is a rich, powerful white woman, not the righteous cartoon superhero liberals like to pretend.

Yeah, this isn’t Reuters.

Rahm Immanuel is more reasonable for Donald Trump than anyone gives him credit for. His tempering of the progressive side of Obama’s administration from day 0 is why there was not as much hope and change as was talked about on the campaign trail. He personally was influential in extending the recession due to reducing

Of course none of them are going to face repercussions — that would be against the essential character of the US state, which is explicitly set up to protect their class. There may be a token sacrifice down the road a la Scooter Libby*, but anyone expecting “justice” from the US government or the structures

why are you guys like this

And respectfully I respond that not putting effort into one’s own plan (or even enough to make a hybrid plan) is a huge warning sign that she wasn’t taking this issue remotely seriously enough. She really had nothing sustantive to add or modify to Inslee’s plan? She had nothing on her web site’s section on policies