Hillary did much worse in 2008 to Obama, and 30% of Hillary voters voted for McCain vs 10% of Sanders voters for Trump. That’s all from exit polls data.
Hillary did much worse in 2008 to Obama, and 30% of Hillary voters voted for McCain vs 10% of Sanders voters for Trump. That’s all from exit polls data.
It’s because their anointed candidate lost and they can’t stand someone threatening their system of meal tickets for party vendors.
Of course it was a good idea for a racist populist to go on a channel catering to racist populists.
So we should pay you no mind?
I didn’t hear anyone really complaining about it that wasn’t already against sanders. So you should pay them no mind.
Starred for use of “haters and losers.”
Boy, all those centrist assholes were right, it was totally a bad move for Sanders to go on Fox News for a townhall. What an embarrassing look for him, right? :D
God this moment was great - To all the haters and losers who thought Sanders going on Fox News was a mistake, he killed it tonight.
Their income from 2016 to 2018 wouldn’t appear on his 2016 tax return, you absolute moron.
Hah, how in god’s name is she not? She’s a rich capitalist, an imperialist, and opposes even basic social democratic programs like single payer -- in what universe is that *not* conservative? Certainly not this one.
Employer based health insurance used to be a perk to entice the best workers to work for companies. It is now a chain used to keep people at the company. Like everything else, corporations took something that helps people and turned it into something to help them make more profits at the expense of their workers.
Check your followers list, antisemite, child rape enabling misogynist troll.
waaaah waaaaah waaaaah, thats what you sound like
We have more jaguars than leopards, but of course Florida jaguars are slow and ineffectual when they are faced with a determined opponent.
Hell, tons of Dems won’t even go so far as to offer a strongly worded statement
I don’t think it’s a lazy take at all! It’s a stance I’ve arrived at after decades of life experience and having developed a fairly decent awareness of history and I mean it very seriously.
of course, and everyone in the kinja comments thinks that’s totally fine
But none of what he’s being arrested for has anything to do with Russia! He’s going to be extradited for exposing war crimes, like a US missile attack that killed 18 Iraqi civilians and two journalists — one of the good things he did — under legal reasoning that would leave any legitimate journalists and/or…
Bernie is the clear leader of the Democratic Party and should be the nominee in 2020.