Eh, I think it’ll be a legitimately ugly time squaring the contradictions inherent in their stance there, which will continue to sharpen. I’m not making any claims as to the eventual outcome, mind you.
Eh, I think it’ll be a legitimately ugly time squaring the contradictions inherent in their stance there, which will continue to sharpen. I’m not making any claims as to the eventual outcome, mind you.
Credit where it’s due: there’s no liberatory movement out there liberals won’t claim and defang, making harmless tokens of its figureheads while distorting the substance of their critiques.
Keeping knocking down those straw men and repeating the same tired and worthless right-wing talking points. The irony of course is that Hayek himself criticized Cliffs Notes Conservatives like yourself for their inability to adapt to a changing world or to offer any reality-based alternative. “The free market will…
Or — OR — maybe we simply shouldn’t get involved in an internal political matter in a country that has a resource we’d like to exploit. Y’know, like all the other dictatorships we’re fine with because they don’t have oil.
Did Splinter post anything at any point praising Pelosi’s Totally Epic Clapback?
TBF, I pointed out that Pelosi shouldn’t have been clapping at anything Trump said during the SOTU, to which a dozen people said, “NO, SHE WAS BEING SARCASTIC!!!!”
Bernie or bust in 2020. All the neoliberal centrist goobers can’t be trusted. They work for the rich. Pelosi is beyond corrupt and has no interest in compromising or working with left wing people in the party. Pelosi and her centrist pals don’t care about improving your life. All Pelosi wants is to trick you into…
She’s also a former prosecutor, and literally just voted to (unconstitutionally) ban boycotts of Israel! These people, swear to god.
Honestly the move toward socialism will always be necessary because the rich have never in human history contented themselves with just being very rich.
I have not seen a single human say anything like that before you right here, right now.
Which attacks from which people Mario?
So what’s the plan here? You’ve found a website for leftists by leftists and you hang around all day trying to start fights with them. What’s the endgame?
Pretty much where I am.
The person who can afford an ESA ALREADY HAS ONE DUMBASS
lol @ people earnestly believing that Ben Sasse is truly intending to help the “little people” advance in life
I think a lot of people have gotten so boot-strapped that they think that this is somehow going to be magic free money that a company is going to give them for education. Holy fuck do we have a bunch of coddled children who forgot rule number one: There is no free lunch. “Oh look a tax-sheltered savings account…
Ummm, that’s exactly what was said when IRAs and 401ks were rolled out to employees of companies with defined retirement plans. Plans which mostly no longer exist.
Perhaps you missed all the schools that have recently folded because the Feds decided that they needed to actually have graduates in order to qualify for funding via Federal loans.
that’s nice, but, uh, how about free college instead of this means-tested shit? or are we purposefully ignoring that most people don’t having saving accounts to begin with.