
Most of the people bragging about withholding their vote never had their vote threatened before. They don’t have a parent or grandparent who can remember when black people were murdered for trying to vote.”

voting 41 + four pennies out of office is the right thing?”

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I have yet to see someone counter this video:

You've lost the argument. Sorry. 

Every liberal here is convinced that every leftist is a white, trust fund brat from Williamsburg who is too lazy to support themselves.

47% of SC primary voters said that Jim Clyburn influenced their vote. Biden was fucking floundering in three primaries until he was basically gifted that endorsement and won a state he was expected to win. Bernie had won the first three primaries, which had never been down before. The media then declared that black

I’m probably more well off than you. Zero debt, own a home, full time employment with excellent health benefits, graduate degree paid by employer, emergency fund, etc.

Not voting for Trump is basically a vote for Trump.

Why are Biden Bros so ableist? 

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I never told anyone not to vote. I told them not to vote for Biden.

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It's really a pointless endeavor with the Kinja crowd. They are all housebroken to the max. 

Not voting for Trump is basically a vote for Trump.

You are hands down, the dumbest person to exist in these comments sections.

If you’re not of voting age, you’re basically voting for Trump.

Old, white women are now POC.

You don’t have to blame Bernie. You can blame me, because there is no fucking way I’m voting for Biden.

“I’ve done absolutely nothing of note to help the people I claim to care about other than voting once every couple of years."

I spent my day trying to get more state funding for nurses. I’m starting my application to volunteer my services for one of the city’s field hospitals.

Hey, you started it.

Multiple reasons. Some were the fault of him and his campaign, some were out of his control. Either way, its irrelevant and not worth explaining to effete shitlibs.