
Farewell, Bernie. You’re ok but man you really need to rein in your b-bois”

It doesn’t, because I’m not voting for Biden.

Yes, Biden. That most definitely not racist and rapist.

Nope, not voting for Biden. 

The democratic base doesn’t know what the fuck they want. The exit polls show they support Bernie’s policies, then vote for Biden. It’s because they are submissive and easily sheepdogged by prominent Democrats and the media.

She’s going to lose her home state, dummy.

It’s not really about denigrating black women. Jason Johnson is mad that his mantle as a black people whisperer for corporatist,white liberals is in danger. If Sanders somehow pulls off primary victories in the South, all the shit he has been throwing at the left loses credibility. All of the sudden, he’s not so

Glad you’re hear to speak up for middle management.

There was problems with the this during Bernie’s 2016 campaign. I’ve heard they’ve gotten much better. Some of it was likely due to the fact that he didn’t really take his own campaign seriously at the outset.

You’re just salty the ones that showed up to caucus didn’t show up for Warren.

Now, now. What we have is simply a series of unfortunate coincidences.

Part of Trump’s success is weaving some truth into complete bullshit, David.

I’d be worried about his family, tbh. If this is the same guy who goes under different handles on reddit and Twitter, because he talks EXACTLY the same way, he’s a raging misogynist who makes 200k working in advertising and brags about cheating on his wife with multiple women. 

I will not vote for anyone but Bernie. I’m calling on all my fellow Bernie Bros to do the same.

The way you throw that around, I fucking guarantee you're a white passing Latino, like myself. 

Who is the candidate who best exemplifies an understanding of intersectionality since that’s such a huge concern for you? Even though we both know it’s not a real concern for you. You probably only care about it when you can score brownie points with blue check minorities.

Name your candidate that has:

Citing their congressional voting records as evidence they “agree” on mostly everything is misleading.

Yes, it’s a non-story that Warren is now using to fund raise off of.

This didn’t come from the Bernie campaign. This was a reproduced copy of a post on the Bernie slack account from some random person that was deleted promptly by a moderator. The campaign explicitly tells it’s volunteers not to mention other candidates, let alone disparage them.