Military service should be a negative. Why should anyone be proud of bombing third world countries?
Military service should be a negative. Why should anyone be proud of bombing third world countries?
I bet you've got a real hairy ass.
I hate this site that I continually visit with the intent of making myself mad. I literally can’t find any negative coverage of Bernie anywhere, so I’m just going to park myself in the comments section and yell at bloggers.
If there’s one thing worth preserving, it’s American health insurance companies, who most definitely won’t be wanting for the day when they once again get to profit off denying us healthcare should they be dealt a fatal blow with M4A.
I understand that, but what is the point of these pledges of allegiance more than a year out from the election? They all seem like a really suspicious way of softening everyone up. We don’t need to know everyone’s intention of voting Democrat no matter what organic bag of shit they hoist upon us when we are discussing…
Go fuck yourself
She literally said she was a “capitalist to her bones” you fuckin dummy, and not when she idebrifed as Republican. Like within the past few years.
“Bernie and Warren are the exact same candidate”
You're going to get the darkest timeline if you keep lowering your standards. It's just going to come a bit slower and result in deeper and more irreversible consequences. Why don't you just hold the party accountable instead of let a bunch of chronically online people shame you?
This is a very brave and original take.
Omg, it's totally like a Stefan Molyneux tweet.
The pessimist in me thinks the economy crashes either shortly before or after a Biden victory. Biden imposes neoliberal austerity and attempts to cut social programs. The next Republican president goes Nazbol. Basically, we become Fortress America. He acknowledges global warming, but instead of an international…
The only candidate who has more support than Sanders among black voters is Biden. Sanders has the policies to help black voters but hasnt shown a great ability to communicate how they will advance racial justice.
How do defenders of the Democratic party, and to a larger extent, electorialism in general, expect anyone on the left to take them seriously when this man is currently the favorite by a wide margin? Disagreements aside, I could at least understand someone like Warren or Harris, who at least don’t offend their…
I’m sure it’ll all be upbeat since we’ll have a candidate who has no real vision to tackle a country that’s falling apart and just wants to turn back the clock to 2015 when we had zero problems related to climate, energy, healthcare, debt, imperialism, etc.
This is a brave position to take.
He’s pulling like double her poll and donation numbers. If his campaign is dead, what does that make her’s you fucking idiot.
The NBC analysis included only contributors who gave more than $200 to one or more candidates — the threshold at which campaigns must report donors’ names, addresses and contribution levels to the FEC.
Keep triggering those libs, Baracka. I mean it.