The lead actor from NBC's THE EVENT!
The lead actor from NBC's THE EVENT!
Petition to rename his AV Club account C.C. Sabathia.
James Franco, subsequently, James Franco backlash, and now it's just back to James Franco again. Full circle.
Probably Emily Deschanel.
Parenthood and Grimm
Revolution, *SVU*
Chicago Fire.
According to tumblr, you are experiencing an acute case of "I CAN'T EVEN WITH THESE FEELS"
Detox, apparently.
138 episodes of 30 Rock have something to say to that.
@Scrawler2:disqus , It's worth it just for the deleted scene where Shadow meets Jesus Christ.
True Indiana story: the Plumlee bros. grew up in my Indiana town, but left to play basketball at a private school in North Carolina and we knew even then that they were almost certainly Duke-bound. That was a weird year in high school basketball politics.
True Indiana story: the Plumlee bros. grew up in my Indiana town, but left to play basketball at a private school in North Carolina and we knew even then that they were almost certainly Duke-bound. That was a weird year in high school basketball politics.
That topped Ron's ice cream mustache for me.
That topped Ron's ice cream mustache for me.
@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus Bingo. As a person living in small town Indiana, I can confirm that the story "local dudes hang with the Colts" would definitely be a weekday front page story.
@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus Bingo. As a person living in small town Indiana, I can confirm that the story "local dudes hang with the Colts" would definitely be a weekday front page story.
He specializes in irrigation! How did I not make this connection before?
Ah! Thank you for confirmation that I wasn't going mad.
Ah! Thank you for confirmation that I wasn't going mad.
I know they are Catholic, I was just surprised to see what looked like the Episcopal flag (… waving from the front of it, unless my eyes deceived me.
I know they are Catholic, I was just surprised to see what looked like the Episcopal flag (… waving from the front of it, unless my eyes deceived me.