LOL. If you’re offended by the perceived age of those particular two “anime” girls, well Ive got SOME BAD news for you.
LOL. If you’re offended by the perceived age of those particular two “anime” girls, well Ive got SOME BAD news for you.
Played a great deal of VN and messed with some eroge. Far more than you’ll care to ever know. Not once have I expected or seen any non consenting aged character get molested. Mind blown, right?
Bro, have you even been to Japan? Many times, the elementary students are just as tall (and in some cases, have a chest just as large) as the adult women. Japanese women naturally look young, it only seems weird to you because you’re used of there being a much clearer line between a teen and an adult in your country.
“Adult” refers to the intended audience, not the content itself. To be fair, Japan is hardly the only country that equates youth and attractiveness, but it does feel like Western audiences are willing to embrace a much wider range of material. If Steam keeps with this trend, we might even get to see some of it…
What is exactly is teen looking about the top pic? All I see is 2 big breasted anime chicks. Do they all need to look like your tutorial to not be an anime teen?
Hmm, maybe it’s just an issue of familiarity. I’ve watched anime on and off since the late 80's. Those don’t register to my eye as “12 year olds” - anime 12yo look younger than that. (of course, overall style has shifted over the decades. I liked the 80's/90's stuff a bit more.)
I find it a bit off-putting as well, but despite the Steam marketplace having a global reach, the overwhelming majority of these games are developed in a country with different cultural norms. They can’t be expected to cater to anything other than their own, nor should those of outside their borders expect them to.
I mean, they do, but there’s all only so many people in any given testing phase. As Ion pointed out in the first video mentioned in the article there are ~250,000 spells(the generic term for abilities) and ~180,000 enemies in the game files at this point. Add to that huge number that a lot of people in alpha, beta,…
Not to mention the fact that when you suddenly open the game up to 4,000,000 people instead of 40 you’re bound to find a lot more shit wrong.
I mean at this point the code for WoW is probably a labyrinthine mess that drives those that view it to madness so it’s probably par for the course.
I mean, you can’t catch every issue... I think it’s kind of ridiculous that people assume there weren’t 1,000's of hours spent QA’ing on AAA titles. They can’t catch everything, no matter how big or small. The game changes when stuff goes live, it’s just the nature of game development.
Easy target, but the game does work, and pretty well given the massive overhaul. That -this- is the major sticking point to the update and not something like zone or realm crashes is pretty impressive.
Look here Anonymous Tough Guy #24601, I’ll have you know that my hair is a wonderfully refreshing lilac color at the moment.
Ruining a community gathering to watch a one time only in game event? Yeah, I’ll confidently call that trolling.
What they want is a form of the very thing they are constantly terrified of: Sharia Law. They just want the christian version of that. They would be 100 percent OK with it.
I’m really surprised that a anti-abortion person would take the time to vandalize express an opinion without actually taking time to research the facts behind it. Shocking, really.
No one’s saying that’s the issue. That just adds a tinge of irony.
Who told you that planned parenthood tries to convince women to have abortions? Their primary role is to give women the power to decide if and when they get pregnant, IE: education and contraceptive (be it the pill, IUD, condoms, etc). They give you the information and let you decide. They also do yearly pap spears,…
As someone who has a history both with personal childhood sexual trauma and objectification, and as someone who works with numerous youth that have history and backgrounds with that, it’s a bit much to see a work that seems to be almost glorifying the sexualization of either minors or people who are portrayed as such.…
The positions it puts the women in just squick me the heck out. The show might be amazing but that right there would be enough to make me switch over to something else.