I wonder how many Jezebel writers were once Jezebel commenters? Probably a high percentage. And then they get hired and get to tangle with their former nemeses/allies.
I honestly think that kids, and even adults would be interested in seeing cotton plants up close. “Wow, cotton comes from a plant!” I have never seen a cotton plant.
Men blather on about Mad Men? I would have guessed it is more popular with women, who are probably less likely to blather on about it.
“And think a country should in general be able to attract enough citizens to choose to defend it, or maybe it just shouldn’t exist as an independent nation state”
Nowadays one of the major reasons why people are rejected by the military is having visible tattoos. I think one branch allows one neck tattoo, but not two. If the draft is reactivated, I wonder how many people will just get a neck tattoo, or ear gauges. Or would the military stop caring about that?
Most of your examples seem to pertain the US, while most of my examples pertain to foreign nations.
Having a kiss scene in a movie is a pretty reasonable expectation if the story calls for it. If she doesn’t want to, the director can easily find someone else.
I can’t believe that guy apologized to Cheney “for all that he had to go through while I was in the hospital.”
During Vietnam, a man became too old for the draft when he hit the age of 26, it is the same now, with some langauge of men being liable until the age of 35 in an extreme situation. Bush’s daughters would have been liable, Cheney’s daughters were in their 30s so they would not be liable.
If the US reactivated the draft there would be widespread resistance, but it would probably make the government and the general public more reluctant to engage in foreign wars for dubious reasons.
I am a man and I have always been fiercely opposed to the draft.
I think that the MRA’s dream situation would be losing this case 5-4 with all 3 female justices in the majority opinion, which would be to maintain the status quo.
Al Gore graduated from college in 1970 and was drafted. He didn’t resist because his father was an anti-war congressman, and Gore felt that it would give his father much more credibility if he was drafted. He probably had other personal reasons as well. He was a military journalist in Vietnam.
I am a 30something man and I have always been fascinated by the draft while also abhoring it. I remember being 7 and watching “I Love Lucy,” when Lucy and Ethel mistakenly thought that Ricky and Fred had been drafted. I asked my sister, “What are they talking about?” When she explained I was horrified. I couldn’t…
“What’s weird, in fact, is that Jane only ever seems to be on the Q train.”
Thank you so much for doing that. I enrolled in the 7 day program to get a better grasp of what TW is and the various tasks it entails.
Yes, I think a lot of people cared why the Joker was evil. And the movie was a massive success.
I saw your comment to me. At that time, I couldn’t see my comments to you. Now I can see my comments to you, but not your comment to me. Kinja is weird.
How do Japanese people feel about Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s?