
Right, I remember in high school, seeing so many inches of girls’ ass cracks that I definitely did not want to see.  

2000s trend I hope never comes back:  Girls wearing skirts and pants simultaneously.  That looks so stupid.  

You need to work on your They’re/Their/There

It is not the worst cursive I have seen. I am 36 and mine has deteriorated big time. I sent someone a handwritten letter 5 years ago and she said it took her 3 days to read it, which I think is kind of cute, but I should not send shittily written letters. I guess it would also be cute if she sent it back and said,

I remember there was significant hand-wringing about what to charge Chauvin with. The worry was that if you charge him with 1st degree murder, he would be acquitted, so maybe the safe bet is to go with manslaughter to secure a conviction.

I know right? I expected way more people saying this.

Oooh, hot take! And it seems correct to me. I am a 36 year old heterosexual male, so I am not sure how rare I am on this site. I have been following Jezebel since 2008 when my predecessor at a job left it on the computer’s homepage.

Does it seem like Jezebel is dying?  The site seems to have fewer articles and they aren’t as interesting as they were in the past.  Unfortunately, during the Trump administration, Jezebel was covering politics constantly, and perhaps the blog lost sight of what people want to read.  

You wrote quite a bit to me, so I don’t think your time is that valuable. I am not trying to fight you, I just disagree with you.

If you disagree, make an argument.  

I am a man with a Chinese mother and a white father. At first, I cringed at that comment, but on second thought, I can’t really find him at fault.

This is over a year after your comment, but I am a man and I disagree with you completely. The men you describe clearly are in relationships.

Right, and he admits he doesn’t know shit about their solo careers.  John, Paul, and George are in the rock and roll hall of fame as beatles and as solo performers.  

Yep, and George Harrison died in 2001, not 2002.  

Ringo Starr is still alive! Heis 80. George Harrison died in 2001, not 2002.

Dean Cain is only 1/4 Asian?  I thought he was half, like me.  Then I looked it up and he is 3/8.  So, his father was 3/4 Asian, like Bruce Lee.  Brandon Lee was 3/8 Asian.  

It is possible that being compared to an Asian man offended him the most. East Asian men are considered to be the least attractive men by many, if not most Americans. I have overheard two guys whine “I don’t like how people think that I am half Asian.” I am half white and half Chinese, and both times yeah, I thought

I respect your perspective, but I think that white people are much more likely to feel unqualified to think that something is racist.

To be honest, I don’t know that guy very well at all. It is possible he was out when I met him, he just didn’t feel the need to tell me.

It seems to me that I less frequently hear women say they are held to unattainable standards of beauty. If my perception is correct, I have several ideas as to why.