
I am a man, and I think that to be a cishet man and wear a dress on Vogue Magazine, you pretty much have to be hot, otherwise it looks like a joke.

The student loan situation reminds me of one of the biggest bailouts in US history. 1977, Jimmy Carter’s first day as president. He made good on his campaign promise to grant amnesty to all Vietnam War era draft dodgers.

I wonder about people who give medical school the old college try, can’t hack it, and now have massive debt without the high medical salary.

The best way to grow up is probably filthy rich.  But after that, it might be lower class in a stable, safe, loving environment.  It is not too hard to get a full scholarship to a private college, and you graduate debt-free, and guilt-free. 

I have a friend who is a 26 year old teacher with $180k in student loan debt. Yes, she certainly made several colossal mistakes. What do you say to her now? “Tough Shit”?

You are a boot-strapper. I don’t know why you are so opposed to that label. It sounds like you really pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, and frankly, kids planning their college paths could learn a thing or two from you.

Yeah, I think that cancelling the interest would be great. Some people have essentially paid for their college tuition several times because of the interest. I know someone who pays $800 per month just for interest, never mind the principal. That is more than my rent. Most of my international vacations cost less than

If you don’t mind, could you elaborate on your income and loan situation?

Sounds really tough. I know a 26 year old teacher with about $180k in debt. She went to college in the worst way possible, and now, strangely is paying cash for grad school. She graduated 5 years ago, and I think there could have been a massively austere way for her to be debt free at this point, but instead she is

I don’t care if he tried to convert Jews or Muslims to Christianity. Isn’t that his sect’s thing? Converting people? I remember being briefly in the South, one day in Memphis, one day in San Antonio. I couldn’t believe how often people would come up to me and try to convert me. I was alone, 20 year old guy, sitting on

I disagree.  Suffersfoolsgladly believes every word Ivanka’s former friend says.  She just thinks it is rather convenient to come forward now and not then.  

Mydogisagenius knows Biden is currently 77.

These guys seem like assholes, but let’s cut the crap here.

What is strange about the father’s behavior?  

The last time an incumbent president changed VP was 1976 when Gerald Ford dropped Nelson Rockefeller.

When I read the headline, I thought that the Jez team was speculating that he was lying about going to Florida and was secretly going to Guantanamo for evil reasons.

“Defund the police” sounds like “eliminate all funding for police.” Yes, people should know by now what Defund the police means. I suppose a more accurate slogan would be, “Reduce the purview of the police,” but that is not catchy at all.

The other woman also betrayed the ex-wife because they were friends. The OW was the ex-husband’s friend first though.

The term “branch swinger” has been around for a while. It usually refers to women. I suppose there can be different connotations to jumping between rocks and swinging between branches.

Wasn’t everybody in great shape back then?  It seems like every single person’s life was pretty tough and very physical.