“White vote for Trump is down, just as it was down in 2016 relative to 2012.”
“White vote for Trump is down, just as it was down in 2016 relative to 2012.”
are you in Colorado?
How much do you think Jezebel writers make? It is probably a very coveted job.
I wish there was a classic CSN song called “caboose” complete with their signature intricate harmonies.
Andrew Johnson had no VP. So, had he been removed from office, who would take over? Speaker of the House?
based on Poe’s current level of play, Jones could justify saying, “Poe just wasn’t cutting it, so I cut him.”
Interesting. Although I don’t watch the show and I personally like cooking, and don’t care about baking or even eating sweets.
If I had to bet, I would also say that Left on Read is a heterosexual man.
The original poster, JaneEyre27 wrote:
I am a man and I disagree with you. I think that large swathes of the male population has effectively zero sexual opportunities. You say that they should improve their attitudes and way they approach and interact with women. I think that most of these men have exceedingly few opportunities to interact with women in a…
Ok, but why was your first comment so gender specific?
Does it make a difference if the letter writer is a woman?
Oh come on. So two salespeople on the road can’t hang out in one of their rooms and have a drink? How about the two radio broadcasters for a Major League Baseball team? Two female flight attendants chilling after a long flight?
Oof, that’s a pretty high standard.
What does Susan Sarandon hope to gain from saying this? Does she think she will look good and Cher look bad?
I think that Jack Nicholson often overacts, which sometimes works and sometimes does not.
Fall clothes are the best. All other clothes wish they were fall clothes.
Because of your comment, I looked it up. “Cabello” means “hair” in Spanish.
Meh, to me Peter is a bit better. “In the Air Tonight” was Phil’s first solo hit, and then he went super cheesy. Wouldn’t it have been much cooler, if he had been super cheesy for a decade, and then came out with “In The Air Tonight”?