
Eh, I’m not saying that’s how I’d handle it. I’m sure most people would try to diffuse the situation, but if she posed a great enough physical threat (like, say, using a bottle as a weapon, as one report suggested), the law recognizes that he is allowed to defend himself.

This article is assuming many things (reporters’ intentions, Marshall’s intentions, what the video shows) without Diane having seen the video. You and I haven’t done as extensive as research as Diane has but I’m assuming we’ve all read the multiple reports on it. So you and I are allowed some amount of speculation,

Actually he asked “is it possible” and you just went full throttle on an “assuming things without evidence” scenario to the point to which you’re actually creating facts all on your own, based on a suppositional question that did not seem unreasonable. Sheesh. Re-read what you write from time to time prior to pressing

We’re in a strange moment for progressive people. We’re simultaneously trying to increase awareness of (and outrage towards) crimes like sexual assault and domestic violence, and in many instances, advocating for handing police and prosecutors more discretion and power to punish those things. But we’re also trying to

Thank you for your very considerate response. You might be part of the public who’s not ready for nuance.

Is it possible that BM hits this woman in self defense or in defense of someone he’s with? That might explain the reporters’ reluctance to print it since it invites a nuanced conversation the public is probably not able to handle (that is, a man ‘justifiably’ hitting a woman).

She cannot be serious:

Ugh...come on people...

Nooooo don’t put random household substances on your fancy metals! Buy a bottle of Brasso (liquid, use your own sponge/rag/etc) or a tin of “waddingpolish (it’s a can of dense wooly fluff soaked with cleaner — pull off a small tuft and use until it turns black, then grab another one). Both work well on unlacquered

I bought The Division and I am enjoying it immensely, it’s a fun shooter with great mechanics to boot, but that said, it is absolutely an Oath Keepers’ wet dream made into a video game.

What the fuck does this have to do with the diversity issue?

Exactly. People with disabilities can also be black, Hispanic, gay, transgender - anything at all - but they get NO protection from the Social Justice Warriors who are otherwise so quick to be outraged about any other perceived slight. Apparently it is still perfectly fine to call people ‘tards’.

Simmer down, The. I know that study where MMA isn’t as dangerous, blah blah. I do know this, when a fighter falls down he does so because there’s a disruption in the electrical signals from the brain to the legs that constantly remind him to stay standing. In other words, brain damage. It may be short lived but it is

When someone DOES get killed doing this, all your glitter covered Affliction T-shirts are going to make you look even stupider than they do now..

Goddamn it, that is precisely what he is suing her for: defamation.

Here’s a hot take Keisha admitting all her accusations never happened under oath.

You must be a hoot at the office christmas party.

an interesting (anti-Hillary) read by Feministing:

I admire a lot of these women. As a woman from Michigan, whose first vote was in 2000, Debbie Stabenow is someone I am proud to have voted for in my first vote, and I’m so glad she is still in office. Her comments about Flint are spot-on.