
I'm not authorized to negotiate on hostage exchanges, sorry!

Metal Gear Solid 1 & 3 = fantastic.

Huh. Do you know that feeling when you're used to seeing a bartender at a place and then you go to a different bar and he's there now and you think maybe you're at the wrong place?

"Shovel Knight better be on thi- Oh good."- Me, 30 Seconds Ago

Sure! I'll answer some common questions we get when we have shown this game:

This is great looking

Not only is it on PSN, but it's going to be Vita compatible. I'm this close to just calling my Vita the RPG Machine.

SaGa Frontier 2 is one of the greatest PSX games in the history of the system. I had no idea that people didn't like it, especially because it was significantly better than the original game. The depth and breadth of the story still makes me weep a little...especially since my first playthrough resulted in *SPOILER

"It's nice, owning the only pair of gloves in North Korea."

I think I'm going to come back with an uglier effort... I'd be tempted to wear this one.


I usually play games "Fight Club" style. I'd like to tell you more, but I've already said too much.

He was also the pioneer of video game ragequits

You might have missed the best parts.

Having played Shadow of Mordor, watched this, and seen a little bit of Halo 5, I think it's safe to say that the hallmark of this generation is going to be animations. Graphics have improved, yea, but people have been right in saying that it's not quite as big a gap as we might have expected.

And your argument is that a remake of a game that won last year's GotY award should win again?

You're making a joke right? Right?

Definitely enough Vita games to justify 70 bucks.

Been dying for this setting, but I was really hoping to see a female assassin for this one. Oh well, Ubisoft.