
I knew from the first episode that they'd be getting it on (though my husband was skeptical), but *how* they got there was definitely not something I predicted. For me at least, HOW a story moves from point A to point B is often way more fascinating than just knowing what point B is, ya know?

I definitely think shows/movies/books can pull off surprises and twists while also being well-shot and well acted- my point is that stories that rely *only *upon the shock & awe of crazy plot twists are usually not great stories- and they also usually have little replay value, because they were so dependent on

Or the guy barfing after beating up people and then blaming looking like shit on "the flu".

I noticed this too. (…. But mostly because I was disappointed that the antlers were obstructing the view of Rusty's derrière.)

This is why the idea of spoilers being the most sacred thing ever really makes me sad.

It's entirely possible neither got molested, but it seems like at the least, Audrey watched some terrible shit go down. It would be a bummer if those disturbing drawings she made served no purpose in the overall narrative. With only 8 episodes to work with, I'd like to think that most everything worth touching upon

What if it was the younger sister who was abused & Audrey just saw it (hence her drawings)? I feel like the younger sister is going to be really important moving forward- either with regards to the past OR something new happening in the "present" day.

Didn't he have to pass his car to get to the bar though? Even if it was 60 seconds out of his way, you'd think he'd want to drop the bag of tampons off in the car before grabbing a cold one + fiddling with his new phone.