Bet she loses interest in Adam now that she can no longer feel unique with him. She's so sad. Why is she in a competition with Hannah if she feels so clearly superior to Hannah? She's at an age where her looks won't carry her much longer.
Bet she loses interest in Adam now that she can no longer feel unique with him. She's so sad. Why is she in a competition with Hannah if she feels so clearly superior to Hannah? She's at an age where her looks won't carry her much longer.
Everyone in the Acad votes fir "Best pic." In other categories, only certain members vote, is my understanding.
I blame Caitlyn Jenner. After that announcement, I knew that anything was possible.
I dunno, I loved the whole bit about the bridesmaids from virtuous families. That was pure Monty Python.
Was that lady's husband performing anal sex? Because he's homosexual? Maybe that's why V hipped her to the P's plan? Maybe why she's barren.
"Father guy." Agree; are we supposed to think better of her or worse for that brand of cynicism? Not to mention how threatened she was…
SJC has a real franchise in totally stupid, unlikeable people who attract fabulous men without any observable attractive qualities. Seriously — the caliber of men she allegedly attracts? No way!
replied to you above. sorry.
I think it's meant as a knockoff of the Pern series. So a joke to SF buffs. That's been done.
I really like this show.
Would teenagers in love not take advantage of an empty room. They're so jaded that they have sex in public? Better to have had the teachers in that scene.
Right. A respite from "stupid" stupid is welcome to me. It's clear that Neal reacts in the moment and that Goggins goaded him into that destruction. Neal is very flawed, but Goggins is evil.
I liked the episode. Maybe next episode, we get a closer look at Lee. But it's telling and sweet for Gamby to place love ahead of revenge and hate.
In his dress coat and suit yet!
Gilbert and Sullivan, not Japanese. But Richard is a natural fit for Gilbert and Sullivan.
Mance could warg as well. In the books anyway.
I think he's kinging fine, but he isn't present at the Small Council, which is odd.
I think they have made PG up to look older and less attractive which makes no sense. On his worst day, he's hotter than Steve Zissis.
Bruce Willis fucks to save the world! Great movie. Star Wars is for kids.
Alan Rudolph was Altman's AD.