
There is nothing more Peak Boomer than a bunch of white Boomers willing to sell their souls and completely fuck over this country so they can make abortion illegal again.

Yeah, whatever could go wrong with giving small children powerful guns.

I mean, if the dunderheads really wanted someone “rich, white, and male” to vote for, did they ever consider, I dunno, Sanders?

TFW Destiny tries to take a page from EVE Online

Young Bruce Wayne at boarding school. Fight me

Well it’s a good thing they exempted themselves from being affected by their pre-existing conditions, right? Right?? Won’t somebody think of the Republicans?

I don’t think you want to be living next to a nuclear-armed, xenophobic and racist theocracy looking for resources and someone to blame their problems on.

Fuck this ignorant, incompetent asshole and his hurt snowflake fee-fees. Can’t take the heat, can you, Trump?

Jared Kushner is whittling away at Bannon’s supporters. We’re giving way too much credit to the administration to say they’re getting rid of Gorka for the right reasons.

Every gun owner is a responsible gun owner UNTIL THE DAY THEY’RE NOT.

It will take exactly one March nearby of colored citizens who are open carrying for Trump to have a come to Mammon moment on gun control. See: Ronald Reagan, California.

I’m sick of winning-for-not-losing by sheer incompetence by Republicans, but the more important question is this:

Rand Paul’s dystopia:

All right Jason, but you haven’t answered the most burning question of all:

No, Kristen. You just don’t get it. We need to build a $100 billion wall across the Canadian border, NOW, to stop the influx of dangerous weed killing young children all over Minnesota! This includes the railways, because who needs trade? Won’t somebody think of the children!? I feel so unsafe and insecure knowing

No tax returns, no tax legislation passed, ever.

Yugo would be more appropriate with its rickety, fall-apart nature; or a Ford Pinto, maybe, as the administration does resemble a rolling tire fire.

“And there I was, surrounded by tremendous babes. The absolute best looking broads. Fantastic models, all of them. They were fascinated by my naked body, couldn’t tear their eyes away. I kept them entertained and in a good mood all night long! How many people can do that with so many beautiful women? No one else,

You want to help working moms? Give government subsidies for low-income households (and even middle class households on a sliding scale) for quality childcare in their area.