Now I want a prequel all about Mario and Luigi as struggling small business owners in Brooklyn and Queens.
Now I want a prequel all about Mario and Luigi as struggling small business owners in Brooklyn and Queens.
“What? Stadia has started its descent into an unsupported, anti-consumer mess of a shit show? Who would’ve thought?”
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
The CIA’s general counsel and the White House National Security Council’s chief lawyer referred the Ukraine call to the DOJ for criminal referral, and it’s only after the DOJ squashed that referral that the whistleblower complaint was filed. The whistleblower is bringing a crime to light, but his or her credibility…
Uhhhh didn’t Trump straight up admit to what was said by the whistleblower on live TV? Like several times? Doesn’t that make the whistleblowers testimony unnecessary?
Weeks before the whistleblower’s complaint became public, the CIA’s top lawyer made what she considered to be a criminal referral to the Justice Department about the whistleblower’s allegations that President Donald Trump abused his office in pressuring the Ukrainian president, U.S. officials familiar with the matter…
Pharah: “Rocket jump? That sounds dangerous.”
finally an answer to the eternal hockey question of whether a good center makes his wings great, or vice versa
Good luck, please remember to take time for yourself to grieve and release some of this emotional baggage from the garbage you have to take in and communicate to all of us. Your efforts are appreciated while also recognized as being a finite resource.
I kind of wonder if part of the reason he was taking meetings with the Lakers was because he knew people from their office would talk, giving the Clippers a sense of urgency and providing a distraction so nobody would see the actual plan coming to fruition.
Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.
I’d vote for any of the Phantasy Stars but would LOVE to see IV remade...such a huge part of my childhood. PSIII remade I think would be really good if they fleshed out the story, made the mechanics better, and redid the battles. PSI and II have been “updated” but I’d pay all the monies for a AAA remake!
I watched this this morning.
Goddamn, man. This being Deadspin, I want to make a joke...but I just can’t; nothing about child abuse is humerus.
Oh uu!
Sure all these peoples’ lives have been upended and they’ve got to process the loss while trying to find similar work, but if the shareholders don’t see balance sheet growth year over year, um...I guess they’d just have to use the money generated by the products and services they sell to fund the business directly
The Flyers have expressed interest in the Boston net and are offering a 3 year deal for it to play goal for them.
if we take hockey out of the equation