The point of this Web site is to sell ads targeted at the people you describe who often have money to spend thanks to their class status
The point of this Web site is to sell ads targeted at the people you describe who often have money to spend thanks to their class status
Yo homie if you don’t like this porta-potty why you hanging out in it looking for a handjob?
“Oh Disney what a pity you don’t understand,
To have gotten to T2's year in the chronology of the “History of Violence” feature, and not have it be the winner, much less discuss it, would have been bizarre, though.
Hey have you ever heard of 2001 a Space Odyssey?!? It’s really neat!!
I realize the viewership has shifted somewhat post-Kinja, but do we really think AV Clubbers need to be told to see Seven flipping Samurai, of all movies? Is this what we’ve been reduced to?
I seen them a year ago at lazerfest they didn’t sounded that bad?
Came for this reference, was not disappointed. I award you 24601 stars.
He’s my reporter! He’s my cop! He’s my reporter *and* my cop!
“In this novel, a heroic, righteous officer of the law spends decades chasing an evil, criminal fugitive who used a fake identity to hide in plain sight and even stole a loaf of bread when he was hungry. That criminal was a thief and deserved to be punished.”
- An excerpt from Tom Llamas grade 7 book report on Victor…
You know, me have read lot of complains in past year about “mission drift” at A.V. Club, how site writing about politics and food (and yet rarely cookies! What up with that, A.V. Club?), but one thing me have always loved about site is that there always room for something this personal and heartfelt, regardless of…
I wish gruff, manly truckers who smell like gasoline and cigarettes would call me Totoro-san.
That doesn’t come off as creepy. At all.
Better turn on the Xanderpuss signal
I mean it worked, I’m pissed off every day.
Pop a vein already, you fucking crook.
You’re entitled to your opinion but you don’t have to be such a dick about it
Nobody will ever believe you.
Can’t wait to listen to this while drinking some beers and not thinking about Sun Kill Moon later today.