
Yeah I think they’ve definitely been adapting the layout as the days have gone by, to make it more in line with what the AV Club needs, but it’s still hard to navigate. And I miss having the drop-down menu from the top of the screen so you could return to the homepage.

Yeah still gray. And no, they said the legacy account thing would be “soon” but haven’t yet seen any further update.

Also helps explain why it’s been 6 years since the last book was published and he still doesn’t have a completed sixth book, let alone the seventh one.

Has anyone else had the thing happen where you hit “show more replies” and it just refreshes to the top of the comments? Good times.

Legacy account solidarity.

Just finding articles is a giant pain. I miss having the newswire box.

I’m sort of here. Still in the greys since they haven’t announced a way to merge legacy accounts to Kinja accounts yet.

Yeah I was going to say uncles marrying their nieces repeatedly across a few generations were how you end up with Charles II of Spain, who had a deformed jaw and was impotent.

Like me!

I remember most of those 1990s floods, not because I lived there, but because my dad was in the National Guard, and he repeatedly got called up to those flood areas. It was always a little scary to me as a kid, since we lived near a river and an irrigation canal.

Personally I really empathize with the showrunners here. In the past they had a full text that they could pull from, and decide which pieces could be culled and which led to important things down the road that couldn’t be excised. Now I think they’re working with a rough outline. So they know the big points but not

Damn that was a satisfying death for sure.

Okay, I’m pretty sure I might be alone here, but Cersei’s hair is a lingering source of annoyance for me. Elsewhere on the show, we’re given to believe that some amount of time has passed since she got her head shaved (it was back in season 5 for god’s sake), something like at least a year. Cersei’s hair would

Yeah apparently all three of the “Lannisters” get along quite well. My favorite proof is this picture.

Tonight whenever they cut over to Jon and Dany, my instant reaction was, “oh my god Benioff and Weiss, stop trying to make Dany and Jon happen. It’s just not working at all!” They have almost no chemistry and it is just bad.

So here’s my take: when the dragons were hatched, someone mentioned a return of magic. Dragons are magic, the wall is magic. So perhaps magic powers like those of the dragons were the only thing that could take the wall down.

He was in the original stage cast of Brian Friel’s Translations!

Not an action movie, but this is as good a place as any to say once again that I loved The Grandmaster.

It was basically the classic “oh she was ‘promiscuous’ so she deserved to die” thing. Which I thought was only a thing that happened in horror movies, but here we are.

I have had three close friends who were 6'4". They seem absurdly tall to me, as a 5'2" person. But I’d say they are normal people tall, as opposed to the Hollywood tall that Tom is talking about. I mean, this is an industry where Tom Cruise is an action star, for one thing.