dorfer21, Die GT500Meister puts blinders on his Mustang when leaving Cars and Coffee

Bob..... You’re.... my right hand man.

no lowball offers, i know what i got

people fear what they do not understand.

The term your looking for is ‘Prior Restraint’. We don’t do that in the US.

They are legal*

Wait... There are articles?

just slash it in line with the cords. Wow you got lucky they didn’t explode while you were driving

I’ll drive...

The car is much cheaper in total cost of ownership.

who washes a convertible with the top down?

nope here is the revised/updated towing numbers:

When it was brand-spanking new, my 2011 Keystone 303TG was $35,000.00. Its a 35 foot travel trailer that sleeps 11 (8 comfortably) and full up weighs around 9000 pounds. This F150 has a 11,400 max tow.

Wait, Wait, Wait.

Nice pun, have a star!

Lucas electrics and BMW together at last??


No, it’s nut juice.

Do they make one with Twin Ion Engines?

That I was going to want the coupe instead of the convertible

what did you get for the how many times did you watch the land before time?