Doreen Barr

Wait wait wait wait wait. Did it get completely buried in this story that the opposing team stayed in the locker room for the national anthem? That makes this a completely different story, and it makes the journalistic context used here seem ridiculous. him or find him to be a gigantic orange buffoon, the

Stacy is 100% right about there being a double standard with the black community begging for inclusiveness when they feel left out. I dont agree on her view on black history month. To me black history month is not just for African American, its for America. It is about celebrating the accomplishments and sacrifices

A lot of “practitioners” of facilitated communication are in major denial and think their patients actually are communicating. (Instead it’s their own unconscious desires pushing the finger around.)

It kind of looks cool. I would not call it original, or even artistic, but she definitely did not mean to offend anyone. Accusing her of racism is purely pathetic.

I think she did a great job whether it was makeup or photoshop or what. Looks cool. I don’t understand why this thread is so upset.

Unless she goes to the oversensitive United States, she will have no problem finding a job. The old continent is fine with all this, since there was nothing racist about this project... Companies and recruiters in Europe are not like ‘oh we cannot hire you since you impersonated black people even though you’re white

Who keeps a Kenny reference in their back pocket to throw out at a moment’s notice? This guy is a real Kenny Roger’s Roaster.


It’s sort of like assuming that your black friends at elementary school are all getting free lunch. Kool aid is associated with poverty and housing projects and the 70s show Good Times. Not all black people are low income—not all black people make drinks that are associated with having a low income.

Since this seems to have been resolved, I wanted to add an amusing anecdote. When I was in college, my friends and I got an apartment together. We were like a 90s tv executive’s idea of diversity: a black guy, a white guy, a white woman, and a white guy in a wheelchair. One day our black friend came back from the

I must be extra poor because we always bought the generic version.

Fried chicken and watermelon are proof that God exists and loves us.

I had no idea. I’m a 50 yo (white) American and when I was growing up Kool Aid meant summer. I didn’t realize it was particularly associated with black people.

Anyone remember those white sticks you’d dip in Kool Aid? So yum when you’re 12 or 13.

If you don’t mind my asking, what part of the US are you from? I’ve lived in the north east and midwest, and never heard of a Kool-Aid insult other than in reference to a cult (Jonestown, “drink the Kool-Aid”, etc). There seems to be a few people in the comments that recognize it as a racial insult, so I’m starting to

Amazing how at these sites there is always more concern about the racial fallout than for the people killed.

Crawl back in your hole, Cosby. It’s over and whether you admit it or not, your life up on that pedestal you built for yourself is done. And you did this to yourself. You should not try to associate yourself with any respectable cause. I’m shocked that this group would want your name on their project.

Uhhhh. I don't agree with the Duggars ideals or physiology regarding women, religion or history. I have no issues with the size of their family. More power to them. That said, they are just a big family that are zealots. That does not make them a cult like the Manson family. They do fall under the definition cult but