Doreen Barr

I wish someone would explain how roasting a pig in effigy across the street from the Police station fits in with a weekend Memorial service for a beloved son who lost his life one year ago and a peaceful protest? Seems really disgusting and disrespectful way to remember a dead teenager.

OMG. Poor poor Netta, getting just what she set out in the morning Begging for! What a joke. What did you expect her to say? They treated her like everybody else because they had no idea she was so special?

Good advice. Maybe you should take it!

They were calling for an ambulance but some idiots had all the roads blocked. Can you imagine! They should have arrested those people. No regard for anyone who had an emergency. I guess the cops were busy looking out to see if anyone else was going to shoot.

That kid brought a stolen handgun to a “peaceful” protest. He tried to murder Police officers. He has no less than 25 pictures of himself posing with many many guns and pounds of pot with the usual pot paraphanalia dressed in his finest “Bloods” attire, fucking off anyone who cared to view them. On his own Facebook

She sounds like a sore loser bigot to me.

I thought there was no age restriction at all?

See! I told you.

Another comment that won’t get published - too white for Jezebel.

Why “white people”? Racist much?

That is the most ridiculous statement here. Never fails. There”s always one who has to make it about race. Always. Always. Always. No matter what you are discussing - even when the discussion is about rain.

There is a deepening and widening division between the races that I have never before seen in my lifetime. It has sparked endless verbal attacks by both races against each other. It is horrible. Today as I was thinking about this ultimate act of hatred, of racism directed towards these innocent parishioners, I

That is what you would be calling me if I said the same thing.


What are you talking about??? It’s not real?? There are numerous videos filming it happening. And juvenile delinquents admitting to it. Where do you live? Better yet, do you ever pull your head out of the sand?

Thank you BlissStJ You put my exact thoughts into a wonderfully concise, accurate statement. I would not choose to live their life. It is not for me. But they like it, I works for them. Perhaps they are a little over zealous but what do we say about the reverse? I feel badly for them when it comes to the actions of

Oh man - guilty or not, this has taken a big toll on him. He looks so much older and in answering these questions almost sounds incoherent. I believe he is guilty. He was a younger man when these incidents happened. I’m wondering if he even remembers all of it. Maybe a combination of age, denial and trying to save his

This is disgusting. And I can write it because every one of my opinions are always “Pending Approval” Must be some kind of discrimination there.

I love to read historical pieces. It seems that Lakin functioned fairly well as a segregated facility. It also seems that is the way that the founders and the residents wanted it to be. Mental health is still such a controversial area of medicine. Back then the mentally challenged were housed together in an effort to

Really strange. It sounds like the patrons know about it. I don’t think he has any plans to change things